
.NET Standard Fast, Light, Flexible JSON Serializer

MIT License



.NET Standard, Fast JSON Serializer.



using(var output = new StringWriter())
            Id = 1,
            Message = "hello world",
            // etc.

var dt = new DataTable();

//use default stringwriter
var str= Zippy.JSON.SerializeObjectToString(dt);

//use of extensions
var strExtend = dt.ToJson();

The first time Zippy is used to serialize a given configuration and type pair, it will spend extra time building the serializer. Subsequent invocations will be much faster, so if a consistently fast runtime is necessary in your code you may want to "prime the pump" with an earlier "throw away" serialization.

Built-in support types

These types can serialize by default and serializable POCO class.

Primitives(int, string, etc...), Enum, Nullable<>, TimeSpan, DateTime, DateTimeOffset, Nil, Guid, Uri, Version, StringBuilder, BitArray, ArraySegment<>, BigInteger, Complext, Task, Array[], Array[,], Array[,,], Array[,,,], KeyValuePair<,>, Tuple<,...>, ValueTuple<,...>, List<>, LinkedList<>, Queue<>, Stack<>, HashSet<>, ReadOnlyCollection<>, IList<>, ICollection<>, IEnumerable<>, Dictionary<,>, IDictionary<,>, SortedDictionary<,>, SortedList<,>, ILookup<,>, IGrouping<,>, ObservableCollection<>, ReadOnlyOnservableCollection<>, IReadOnlyList<>, IReadOnlyCollection<>, ISet<>, ConcurrentBag<>, ConcurrentQueue<>, ConcurrentStack<>, ReadOnlyDictionary<,>, IReadOnlyDictionary<,>, ConcurrentDictionary<,>, Lazy<>, Task<>, custom inherited ICollection<> or IDictionary<,> with paramterless constructor, IList, IDictionary and custom inherited ICollection or IDictionary with paramterless constructor(includes ArrayList and Hashtable), DataTable, DataSet

Object Serialization Zippy can serialze your own public Class & Struct, it will serializes public fields and properties; the order in which they are serialized is not defined (it is unlikely to be in declaration order). The DataMemberAttribute.Name property and IgnoreDataMemberAttribute are respected by Zippy, as is the ShouldSerializeXXX() pattern. For situations where DataMemberAttribute and IgnoreDataMemberAttribute cannot be used, Zippy provides the ZippyDirectiveAttribute which provides equivalent functionality.


Zippy aims to be the fastest general purpose JSON serializer for .NET. Flexibility and "nice to have" features are explicitly discounted in the pursuit of speed.

As with all benchmarks, take these with a grain of salt.


For comparison, here's how Zippy stacks up against other popular .NET serializers in a synthetic benchmark


Custom Date Formatting

  • ISO8601: can be unrolled into a smaller number of / and % instructions
  • RFC1123: can be similarly decomposed
  • Microsoft-style: is a subtraction and division, then fed into the custom long writing code
  • Milliseconds since the unix epoch: is essentially the same
  • Seconds since the unix epoch: just has a different divisor


BenchmarkDotNet=v0.11.5, OS=Windows 10.0.17134.753 (1803/April2018Update/Redstone4)
Intel Core i7-6820HQ CPU 2.70GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
Frequency=2648441 Hz, Resolution=377.5806 ns, Timer=TSC
 [Host] : .NET Framework 4.7.2 (CLR 4.0.30319.42000), 32bit LegacyJIT-v4.7.3394.0
Method Mean Error StdDev Median Rank Rank
Zippy_ComplexModelObject 12.79 us 0.1165 us 0.0973 us 12.80 us 1 *
ServiceStack_ComplexModelObject 15.99 us 0.2597 us 0.2303 us 15.98 us 2 **
NewtonSoft_ComplexModelObject 18.58 us 0.2679 us 0.2506 us 18.62 us 3 ***
Jil_ComplexModelObject 50.17 us 5.4556 us 15.9142 us 44.74 us 4 ****
Method Mean Error StdDev Rank Rank
Jil_ModelWithCommonType 2.913 us 0.0298 us 0.0264 us 1 *
Zippy_ModelWithCommonType 3.795 us 0.0741 us 0.0964 us 2 **
ServiceStack_ModelWithCommonType 5.284 us 0.1013 us 0.1317 us 3 ***
NewtonSoft_ModelWithCommonType 5.783 us 0.0764 us 0.0715 us 4 ****
Method Mean Error StdDev Rank Rank
Jil_ModelWithCommonType 3.046 us 0.0349 us 0.0310 us 1 *
Zippy_ModelWithCommonType 3.987 us 0.0799 us 0.0748 us 2 **
ServiceStack_ModelWithCommonType 5.619 us 0.0856 us 0.0758 us 3 ***
NewtonSoft_ModelWithCommonType 5.901 us 0.1109 us 0.1233 us 4 ****
Method Mean Error StdDev Rank Rank
Jil_SimpleModelType 1.389 us 0.0171 us 0.0160 us 1 *
Zippy_SimpleModelType 1.661 us 0.0321 us 0.0417 us 2 **
ServiceStack_SimpleModelType 1.821 us 0.0245 us 0.0217 us 3 ***
NewtonSoft_SimpleModelType 2.416 us 0.0436 us 0.0386 us 4 ****
Method Mean Error StdDev Rank Rank
Zippy_ComplexModelObject 15.38 us 0.4619 us 0.5133 us 1 *
ServiceStack_ComplexModelObject 23.33 us 0.2512 us 0.2097 us 2 **
NewtonSoft_ComplexModelObject 27.51 us 0.9497 us 1.1663 us 3 ***
Jil_ComplexModelObject 52.38 us 4.8704 us 13.8164 us 4 ****
Extracted from project README
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