
A lean boilerplate for rapidly developing strong-typed Umbraco websites.

APACHE-2.0 License



This repository contains a lean boilerplate for rapidly developing fast, scalable, easy to maintain, strong-typed Umbraco websites.

Zoombraco is designed to be lean yet exceptionally powerful and flexible allowing you to create your own websites on a firm foundation. Zoombraco lets you concentrate on the fun features of your site while enabling you to maintain a strong MVC architecture.


  • Three strong-typed Base-Class-Types Page, Component, NestedComponent
  • Base Controllers, Views
  • Strong-typed ContentHelper for document traversal.
  • Automatic mapping of Nested Content
  • Automatic XML sitemap generation
  • Language aware Metadata
  • All properties can be made language aware and map automatically
  • Faceted, language aware search engine with fragment highlighting
  • Multitentant aware codebase
  • Image CDN url generation.


Documentation can be found via the Wiki and is open for collaboration.

Consuming the Solution

At the moment the codebase is there but I'm lacking a complete web demo. I'll get round to it though as I am writing documentation and an accompanying set of articles.

Nightlies are available from MyGet

A sample Nuget.config file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="nuget.org" value="https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/" />
    <add key="myget.ditto" value="https://www.myget.org/F/umbraco-ditto/" />
    <add key="myget.zoombraco" value="https://www.myget.org/F/zoombraco/api/v3/index.json"/>

Eventually there will be a Nuget package for consuming the library once the Ditto dependency is released.

Having a play around is encouraged, I'm always looking for feedback.

The demo website login details are:

  • Username : zoombraco
  • Password : password