
Mostly for react projects on freeCodeCamp



Once it was a simple boilerplate for React Projects section on freeCodeCamp and although it can be used that way, the simplicity is gone...


In terminal:

  1. git clone <repo_url>
  2. rm -rf .git README.md to get rid of all existing git configs and records
  3. git init to initialize a repo anew
  4. git remote add origin <url> to add new remote for your project
  5. yarn install
  6. Edit name, licensing, etc. in package.json

Basic Usage

  • Dev build and serving with webpack-dev-server:
    yarn start
  • Production build:
    yarn build
  • Run tests:
    yarn test
    For more npm scripts check package.json

What's included

  • Typescript support via ts-loader with source maps
  • Efficient transpiling and polyfills with babel-loader, @babel/preset-env and browserslist
  • css-modules with TS typings
  • Testing with jest and enzyme
  • Precommit githook with eslint and prettier
  • Autoprefixer

What's left aside

  • react-hot-loader
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