
CSS3 hardware accelerated page transitions optimised for fluid layouts

MIT License


Backbone Responsive CSS3 Page Transitions

Adds responsive* CSS3 page transitions to backbone.

  • Works on Chrome 12+, Safari 4+, Firefox 14+, ie 10+, Android 2.1+
  • Lightweight: 3k (minified + gzipped)
  • Require.js AMD compatible
  • Falls back to replacing page content if the browser does not support CSS3 translate3d transformations (eg opera)

***** *This plugin does not magically make fixed width layouts into responsive ones. Coding a responsive CSS layout is a prerequisite to using the plugin *****

Responsive CSS Framework Demos

Tested to work with the following reponsive CSS frameworks:

  1. twitter bootstrap responsive
  2. foundation responsive
  3. skeleton
  4. simplegrid

Install via Package Manager

Grab from Jam.js:

me@badass:~$ jam install backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions

or Bower:

me@badass:~$ bower install backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions


iScroll4 Plugin

  • iScroll plugin available the github repo
  • plugin compatible with v0.3+
  • useful for ensuring that page transitions always load the new page scrolled to the top
  • smoother page transitions that avoid scroll "jumps"

Getting Started

1. Load the Javascript and CSS

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="scripts/vendor/backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions.min.css"/>

	<script src=""></script>
	<script src="//"></script>
	<script src="//"></script>

	<script src="backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions.min.js"></script>


Backbone Dependency

Plugin relies upon 'backbone' as a dependency. Make sure that this is set up in your require.js shim config.

Fastclick Dependency

If you want to use the fastclick functionality with an AMD set up then you should set up your shim config as with backbone and then edit the AMD definition in backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions.js

//...... top of backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions.js file
define(['backbone'], factory);
// if using fastclick then replace the line above with this:
// define(['backbone', 'fastclick'], factory);

2. HTML Set Up: Wrapping Divs

Either: 1. wrap your container div with the wrapping divs needed manually

<div class="threeDTrans-outmost-page-container">
	<div class="threeDTrans-page-container">

		<!-- your container -->
		<div class="my-container threeDTrans-page"">
			<p>my amazing website...</p>


Or 2. Specify the jquery selector of the containing element when initiliasing the router

var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({....});
var my Router = new threeDRouter({"wrapElement": ".my-container"});

3. Make your router inherit from backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions instead of Backbone.Router

var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({...});
new threeDRouter();

// your view....
var myBackboneView = Backbone.View.extend({
	className: 'my-container',
	render: function () {
		this.$el.html('the html of the new page to be inserted');

// your router class loading your view
var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({
	routes: {
		"*default": "loadView",
	loadView: function (viewFragment) {
		// ...
		this.triggerTransition(myBackboneView, options);

// your app instantiaing the router
app = {
	// ...
	init: function() {
		new threeDRouter(options);

Router Instantiation Options

@param {options}
  • accepts: object
@param {options.renderCallback}
  • accepts: boolean
  • description: make the page transitions wait for the render event to be emitted before triggering the page animation. Useful if you're loading templates with ajax.
// ... set the renderCallback option to true when initialising your router
var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({....});
threeDRouter = new threeDRouter({"renderCallback": true});

// your view class...
var myBackboneView = Backbone.View.extend({
	// ...
	render: function () {
		// ...
@param {options.wrapElement}
  • accepts: boolean
  • description: the jquery selector of the html element that contains your content. If you want the js to take care of adding the wrapping divs then set this. **** If you choose this option then the html element must be present on the page when the router is instantiated. If it is inside one of your backbone views that hasn't been loaded onto the page yet on first page load then it will fail miserably ****
var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({....});
new threeDRouter({"wrapElement": ".my-container"});
@param {options.fastClick}
  • accepts: fastClick function/constructor

  • description: assign the function you want to call on links in order to remove click delay on touch devices, I recommend fastclick.js Eg:

      // include lib in index.html
      <script src="scripts/vendor/fastclick.js"></script>
      // in your js
      new threeDRouter({"fastClick": window.FastClick});

4. Use this.triggerTransition(ViewClass, options) in your router's routes' callbacks to trigger the page transition

var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({
	initialize: function (opts) {
		// ...
	routes: {
		"*default": "loadView",

	loadView: function (viewFragment) {

		// ... your own route logic here
		// @param {ViewClass} (mandatory) > the backbone view class that you want to load
		// @param {options}
		this.triggerTransition(ViewClass, options);



The backbone view class of the new page to be inserted. It's render method will be called before inserting it into the new page.

@param {viewClass}
  • accepts: Backbone View Class

options object

@param {options}
  • accepts: object
@param {options.viewInitOps}
  • accepts: object
  • description: passed as the options object when instantiating the new view
@param {options.renderParams}
  • accepts: any type
  • description: passed as params when calling the new view render's method
@param {options.direction}
  • accepts: string ("backwards", "forwards", "default")
  • description: manually override direction calculation by supplying your own value
    default = just swaps the new page html without applying a sliding transition


The 'threeDTrans.pageTransitionComplete' event is triggered by the router when the page transition is complete.

5. Direction of the page transition

The direction is automatically calculated based upon comparing the folder depths of the new and previous url hashes. The default is no transition ie just replace html.

  • backwards: moving from #sports/football/premiership to #sports
  • forwards: moving from #sports to #sports/football
  • default: moving from #sports/football to #sports/rugby

You can manually override this by specifying the direction yourself when calling the this.triggerTransition() method, eg:

var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({
	// ...
	routes: {
		"*default": "loadView",
	loadView: function (viewFragment) {
		if (viewFragment.match(/foobar/)) {
			this.triggerTransition(myView, {"direction": "forwards"});
		} else {

Example Code

	<!-- ... -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="scripts/vendor/backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions.min.css"/>

	<!-- ... -->

	<script src=""></script>
	<script src="//"></script>
	<script src="//"></script>

	<script src="backbone.responsiveCSS3transitions.min.js"></script>

	var threeDRouter = backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions.extend({
		initialize: function (opts) {
			// ...
		routes: {
			// ... your own route logic here
			"*default": "loadView",
		loadView: function (viewFragment) {

			var myBackboneView = Backbone.View.extend({
				className: 'my-container',
				template: 'application.ejs',
				loadTemplate: function (vars, name, dir) {
					var self = this;
					vars = vars || {};
					dir = dir || 'scripts/templates/';
					name = name || this.template;
					return $.get(dir + name).pipe(function (tmpl) {
						tmpl = _.template(tmpl);
				render: function () {
					this.loadTemplate({ foo: urlParams});
			options = {
				direction: "forwards",
				renderParams: "imprenderParams",
				viewInitOps: {
					"yourImportantViewInitUpVars" : "here"

			// ... your own route logic here

			this.triggerTransition(myBackboneView, options);

	var options = {
			"renderCallback": true,
			"wrapElement": ".my-container"
	myRouter = new threeDRouter(options);



Centered Designs with outer gutters

As used in all the demos.

Apply the margins to the target wrapping element, eg:

// specify the wrapping div when instantiating the router...
new threeDRouter({"wrapElement": ".my-container"});

in your stylesheet...

.my-container {
	width: 94%;
	margin: 0 3%;

Caveats / Gotchas / Why isn't it working???

  1. Ensure that your Backbone Views have a render method
    The backboneResponsiveCSS3Transitions will insert the new view.$el into the page once it has called the render method.
    If your view emits a render event and you would like the page animation to be delayed until this is emitted then set this an option when instantiating the router.
  2. The router takes care of inserting the views on to the page - do not include this logic in your views!
  3. If the browser does not support CSS3 transitions then they fall back to just plain old $el.html('new html') replacing html.
  4. If you want the js to take care of adding the wrapping divs then the html element must be present on the page when the router is instantiated.
  5. The wrapping element's immediate children should have 100% width for gutter effect to work
    ie this works
	.wrapper {width: 90%; margin: 0 auto;}
	.child {width:auto;}

ie this WON'T work

	.wrapper {width: 100%;}
	.child {padding:0 15%;}


Run the tests via command line:

$ npm install
$ npm test

Run the tests via browser:

  1. fire up a node http server

     $ node server.js
  2. go to

To do

  • Add iOS support

Release History

  • 0.1.0
  • 0.2.0 - Added Android Support
  • 0.2.1 - Added FastClick functionality + fixed ie10 bug
  • 0.3.0 - Added iScroll plugin compatibility (released as separate plugin)
  • 0.3.1 - Render callback bug fix
  • 0.3.2-3 - Add travis CI
  • 0.3.4 - Update dev dependencies