
Merge all css and js file into one file and gzip to fast delivery

MIT License



Caching Proxy Class

The CachingProxy include css and js files in other php scripts and build a path to the files, with an timestamp of the last modification in it.

Main features are

  • detect last version of .css and .js Source files
  • detect .min version of .css and .js files
  • combine all .css and .js files to one cached file
  • auto create gzip version of cached file
  • depend on mod rewrite and browser, deliver precompressed files
  • debugmode for development and native, unmodified inclusion of files


For .css files use the following code in the head of your webpage. The usage for .js should be obvious.

// set the path to you webserver document root most of the time $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]
// and in 2. parameter the path, were you would like to store your cached files absolut from document root
$css_cache = new \secra\CachingProxy\CssCachingProxy($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/path/to/css/cache");

// Add some files

// Do the packing work and print the html into the head
echo $css_cache->getIncludeHtml();

Demo page

The /demo folder contain a sample webpage with the CSS and Javascript.


###Version 1.0 (04. Jan 2021)

  • Upgrade PHP Version
  • Switch to docker for local demo

###Version 0.2 (18. July 2014)

  • Rewrite relative path of ressources in css files

###Version 0.1 (16. February 2014)

  • Add Composer Support
  • PSR-4 compatible
  • EditorConfig Support
  • Add Licence Text
  • Add usage example in readme

Developer notes

See under folder vagarnt-vm