
Source code for the egghead course "Accessible Cross-Browser CSS Form Styling". Visit the link to take the course!


Accessible Cross-Browser Forms

This course uses the static site generator Eleventy as the build processing tool, and Nunjucks templating to composite the form partials into screens. Knowledge of either is not required to complete the course or to extend the solutions to other platforms and contexts.

The start script includes Sass compilation complete with autoprefixing for accuracy of cross-browser testing.

Knowledge of Eleventy is not required, but if you'd like to learn more you can learn to create an Eleventy site from scratch by completing my other egghead course.

Project scripts

All of the following scripts are run in the root package.

  1. yarn installs all dependencies.
  2. yarn start 01 (replace with lesson number or keyword) runs the project in the browser.
  3. yarn latest updates all dependencies.
  4. yarn clean:node_modules deletes node_modules recursively.

Individual lessons include their own package.json with start and build commands that can be run via node or yarn.