
Query for CSS brower support data, combined from caniuse and MDN, including version support started and global support percentages.



Query for CSS browser support data, combined from caniuse and MDN, including version support started and global support percentages.


Install the package:

npm i --save-dev css-browser-support

Then import it into your project:

const { cssBrowserSupport } = require("css-browser-support");

And call it by passing a string or an array of strings containing the CSS features you'd like to query support:


Returns an object that includes each browser for which support is available, example for aspect-ratio:

  'aspect-ratio': {
    chrome: {
      sinceVersion: '88',
      flagged: true,
      globalSupport: 22.46,
      browserTitle: 'Chrome'
    chrome_android: {
      sinceVersion: '88',
      flagged: false,
      globalSupport: 41.34,
      browserTitle: 'Chrome Android'
    edge: {
      sinceVersion: '88',
      flagged: false,
      globalSupport: 3.88,
      browserTitle: 'Edge'
    // ... continued for all browsers
    globalSupport: 86.49

Supported CSS features

The API is intended to work for passing features as you would write them in CSS. As such, a few things will not be available if they exist on MDN under an expanded name. For example, > would be available as child.

Additionally, some features are nested and may be missed by the API. Exceptions are grid features (ex. repeat()), and color types (ex. color-contrast()) which have been explicitly included.

Review the data from MDN:

Special case: gap

Since gap is a popular feature known to have been implemented for both flexbox and grid at different times, the API splits a request for gap to return support for both implementations.

In your implementation, you'll want to check for an input of gap and then update to handle for the two returned keys of gap - flexbox and gap - grid.


if (queries.includes("gap")) {
  queries.splice(queries.indexOf("gap"), 1);
  queries.push("gap - flexbox");
  queries.push("gap - grid");

Implementing the data

  • if your implementation accepts properties with values, ex margin-inline: auto, you are responsible for removing values before passing the property to the API
  • due to the data returned from MDN, characters like : are stripped from selectors and pseudo-elements, and @ is removed from at-rule, so for example @layer will be found in returned data as layer

For an example on using this data, see my Eleventy plugin implementation: @11tyrocks/eleventy-plugin-css-browser-support

Browser list

You can also import the full browser list as BROWSERS:

const { cssBrowserSupport, BROWSERS } = require("css-browser-support");

The list is as follows:



Two packages are being used to obtain support data: