Denys Dovhan's Resume

My name is Denys Dovhan. I am:

I like coding, making applications, working in my own open source projects, reading books, speaking and organizing. I have skills to create applications using modern technologies.



  • JavaScript (ES2015+), Node.js
  • React, Redux, etc
  • Basic concepts of functional programming
  • Build systems Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, Brunch (creating plugins)
  • Basics of dev-ops (build systems, formatting and linting tools, deployment, etc)
  • Testing using Jest, Mocha, Chai, tape
  • CSS, CSS-in-JS, PostCSS, BEM notation, CSS Modules
  • HTML and template engines
  • Unix-based, Linux, Shell scripting (sh, bash, zsh, fish), Git
  • Basic knowledge in Python, Ruby, C and Java


Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Computer Engineering, Bachelor's Diploma with Honours, 2014 2018

Secondary General Education School #24 for Grades I-III

Information Technology Class, Certificate with Honours and Gold Medal 2003 2014



R&D Engineer, Oct 2018 current time

Working as a part of Core3 team to improve Wix's editor solutions.


Front-end Tech Lead, Apr 2018 Sep 2018

Amenify is an amenities solution for multifamily. Today, Amenify is present in more than 25 markets and handles thousands of resident transactions per month. I help to build a technology platform for clients, residents, and local businesses using high-end technologies. My role is to be involved in all processes related to front-end (picking technologies, planning, creating tasks, development, review).


Software Consultant, Jan 2018 current time

Bizico is an outsourcing company experienced in developing software for the HR areas, hospitality, and other business spheres. I work for Bizico's clients (such as Amenify) as a consultant. I'm involved in creating new projects, refactoring and rewriting legacy code and consulting developers.

Apiko (former JS Solutions)

Software Consultant, Sep 2017 Nov 2017

Working on a marketplace and building an UI-components library for Facilities Management Services company from the US.

Hell Yeah LLC

Software Consultant, Dec 2016 Apr 2017

Hell Yeah LLC is a high-end development team that uses technology to help solve your business problems. I worked on clients and OSS projects, such as Brunch.


JavaScript developer, Sep 2016 Dec 2016

Rebuilding and optimization of complex graphics editor in browser (built with fabric.js).

Organizing of Chernivtsi JavaScript Community

Founder and Organizer, Oct 2015 current time

Founding of Chernivtsi JavaScript Community, organizing ChernivtsiJS conference and meet-ups, moderating community.

Organizing NodeSchool Chernivtsi chapter. Co-founding of Ternopil and Lviv chapters.

Organizing and mentoring at Kottans Chernivtsi Frontend Course 2017.

Node.js Foundation

Lead of i18n Working Group, Jul 2016 current time

Translation and support of Ukrainian translation for documentation and website.


JavaScript Developer, Writer, Jan 2015 Jul 2016

Codeguida is an Ukrainian site about technologies. I worked on serverside JavaScript tools for building sources and application for generating email letters. I wrote a lot of articles about JavaScript, CSS, Linux and Open Source. Here is few of my articles (on Ukrainian):


2012 2014

Two years of working as freelance developer with clients around the Ukraine and Europe. Mostly developing websites on WordPress, building UI and optimizing frontend.

My personal projects

All of my personal projects are open sourced and available on GitHub.

  • wtfjs (12.7K) A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples
  • Spaceship ZSH (6.1K) A super powerful and flexible prompt for ZSH
  • bash-handbook (3.6K) A handbook for those who wanna learn Bash
  • learnyoubash (400) Interactive workshop for learning Bash
  • one-gnome-terminal (154) Atom's One Dark and One Light theme for GNOME Terminal
  • understandinges6ua (140) Ukrainian translation of Understanding ES6 by Nicholas C. Zakas.
  • how-to-markdown (115) Interactive workshop for learning Markdown
  • WIP: everylint (70) A zero-config, unopinionated linting solution to check all frontend parts.

Public talks

means language of video or slides.

Writing bots for GitHub

You Gotta Love Frontend Kyiv, 24-25 May 2018 Slides

A talk about Probot GitHub's framework for creating bots. Probot allows us to automate and improve GitHub workflow, extend it with tools that we love as far as we wish.

Cross-shell prompts in JavaScript

OdessaJS 2017, Odessa, 1-2 Jul 2017 Slides

A talk about idea of creating reusable cross-shell prompt in JavaScript.

Shells written in JavaScript

KharkivJS #5, Kharkiv, 5-6 Nov 2016 Slides

Explanation of JavaScript shells and existing implementations, such as cash, Vorpal, awkward, nshell, jssh, shjs.

And other talks