
Template for DRF + React Native


Django Rest Framework Blog API + React Native

Building the Docker Image

Make sure you have Docker installed.

To build this the first time you simply have to run:

$ git clone [email protected]:franciscojavierarceo/drf-blogapi.git
$ cd drf-blogapi
$ docker-compose build .

Creating the environment variables

To generate the three .env files (.env, qa.env, uat.env) simply run:

$ echo "ENVIRONMENT=development" > .env
$ echo "ENVIRONMENT=quality-assurance" > qa.env
$ echo "ENVIRONMENT=user-acceptance-testing" > uat.env
# This is a dummy secret key and this is only meant for a local project
$ echo "SECRET_KEY=uj123412sad@$^@)#f&&#nylxh9s2$rtgp!a4wsnyh" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env
$ echo "DEBUG=1" | tee -a .env qa.env 
$ echo "DEBUG=0" >> uat.env
$ echo "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=None" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env
$ echo "DB_NAME=postgres" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env
$ echo "DB_USER=postgres" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env
$ echo "DB_PASSWORD=postgres" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env
$ echo "DB_HOST=db" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env
$ echo "DB_PORT=5432" | tee -a .env qa.env uat.env

Running migrations and creating the admin user

To set up the username, password, and make migrations run:

$ docker-compose run web bash build.sh 
$ docker-compose down

Note that this creates a default user with the following details:

Starting up the Django server through Docker

$ docker-compose up --build
# Alternatively you can use one of the other environments
# by swapping the docker-compose file like so:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-uat.yml up --build

You should now be able to see the homepage on https://localhost:8000 or (if using the qa or uat environment)

Wiping the database and starting over

To rebuild the project you have to run:

$ docker volume rm drf-blogapi_postgres_data    # this wipes the postgres database created by docker
$ docker-compose run web bash build.sh          # this runs the migrations and creates the admin user
$ docker-compose down                           # just to stop the service to relaunch
$ docker-compose up --build
$ docker-compose exec web python manage.py collectstatic


To test the DRF registration and login endpoints go to a separate terminal and try:

# This was valid for the old username
# curl -X POST -d "username=testuser2&[email protected]&password1=random0232&password2=random0232" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/rest-auth/registration/
# curl -X POST -d "username=testuser2&password=random0232" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/rest-auth/login/

# with the custom username try:
curl -X POST -d "[email protected]&password1=random0232&password2=random0232" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/rest-auth/registration/
curl -X POST -d "[email protected]&password=random0232" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/rest-auth/login/

React Native + Yarn

Make sure you've installed expo, node.js, and the Expo Client App from the App store.

$ cd drf-expo-demo
$ npm install
$ npm start

Scan the QR code using your camera on your phone and it should take you to a working version of the app.