
Scope IDs to an element by rewriting them to be globally unique

MIT License




element-scope-ids - scope IDs to an element by rewriting them to be globally unique


$ npm install element-scope-ids


import { scopeIds } from 'element-scope-ids'

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.tabs')) {


<div class="tabs">
    <ul role="tablist">
        <li id="foo-tab" role="tab" aria-controls="foo-panel">Foo</li>
        <li id="bar-tab" role="tab" aria-controls="bar-panel">Bar</li>
    <div id="foo-panel" role="tabpanel">...</div>
    <div id="bar-panel" role="tabpanel">...</div>


<div class="tabs">
    <ul role="tablist">
        <li id="foo-tab-123" role="tab" aria-controls="foo-panel-234">Foo</li>
        <li id="bar-tab-345" role="tab" aria-controls="bar-panel-456">Bar</li>
    <div id="foo-panel-234" role="tabpanel">...</div>
    <div id="bar-panel-456" role-"tabpanel">...</div>


This module exports a class (and helper functions which wrap an instance of the class) which rewrites IDs within elements so that they're safe to compose with other elements on the page which use the same IDs. This is done by rewriting each ID to be globally unique (while preserving any internal references). This is similar to the technique used to transpile scoped CSS (e.g. CSS modules) by PostCSS, Angular etc.


IDs are the natural way to declare relationships between elements in various HTML components, e.g.:

This approach works well for simple, static pages — e.g. if there's only one accordion or form on a page — but quickly becomes cumbersome in situations where there's more than one such component, e.g. in SPAs where many components of the same type may be embedded in the DOM at the same time. It can also be tedious and error prone even in multi-page apps simply because IDs are names, and naming things is hard: decomposing a page into reusable components can make it difficult to keep track of which IDs are safe to use where, and this can be compounded in apps which pull in third-party components.

One solution is to use another attribute, e.g. data-id, but these remain unique IDs in everything but name, and they still need to be translated back into actual IDs for ARIA/form elements etc., so this does little more than move the problem sideways.

A better solution is to keep using IDs but to make them safe to compose and reuse — in the same manner as class names in scoped CSS (and local variable names in most programming languages). This is done by making each ID globally unique (with an escape hatch for shared/global IDs).


The following types are referenced in the descriptions below:


An array (or other iterable collection) of attribute names to look for IDs in or a function which returns the names.

type IdAttrs = Iterable<string> | (idAttrs: Iterable<string>) => Iterable<string>


An options object which can be passed to the Scoper constructor and its scopeIds and scopeOwnIds methods.

type Options = {
    exclude?: (HTMLElement, id: { name: string, value: string }, next: (typeof exclude)) => boolean | string;
    idAttrs?: IdAttrs;


Scoper (default)

Instances of this class can be used to rewrite IDs within DOM elements so that they can safely be composed with other elements which use the same IDs. This is done by rewriting the IDs to be globally unique, while preserving internal links.

Type: Scoper(options?: Options)

import Scoper from 'element-scope-ids'

const scoper = new Scoper()

scoper.on('id', (element, id) => {
    element.setAttribute(`data-original-${id.name}`, id.old)

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.tabs')) {


Scoper implements the EventEmitter interface. The following events are supported:


Type: (el: HTMLElement, { name: string, old: string, new: string }) → void

Fired each time an ID-like attribute is changed. As well as the id attribute itself, this also includes ARIA attributes such as aria-controls and the for attribute on LABEL elements. The listener is passed the element and a delta object which contains the old ID and the new ID.

scoper.on('id', (element, id) => {
    element.setAttribute(`data-original-${id.name}`, id.old)

Note that an event is fired for each ID rather than each attribute. This distinction is important for attributes which may take multiple IDs, e.g. aria-labelledby.


Type: (el: HTMLElement, { [name: string]: { old: string, new: string } }) → void

Fired after all IDs have been replaced in an element. Passed the element and an object whose keys are the names of modified attributes and whose values are delta objects with the old and new values for the attribute, e.g.:

scoper.on('ids', (element, ids) => {
    element.setAttribute('data-scoped-attributes', Object.keys(ids).join(' '))


The constructor takes an optional Options object with the following (optional) fields:


Type: (el: HTMLElement, id: { name: string, value: string }, next: (typeof exclude)) → boolean | string

A function which is used to prevent an ID being scoped. Called once for each ID in each ID-like attribute (as defined by idAttrs) in each target element. If supplied, the function can veto scoping (i.e. renaming) the ID by returning true. Alternatively, it can veto scoping by returning a replacement ID.

The next value in the final parameter is a reference to the default exclude function. There can be up to three exclude functions (built-in, constructor option, method option) and each one after the built-in can delegate to the one it's overriding, passing the decision back from the method option (if supplied) to the constructor option (if supplied) to the default implementation.

If the next function is called with no arguments, it is passed the original arguments. Otherwise the supplied arguments are passed to the previous exclude.

const scoper = new Scoper({
    exclude (element, id, next) {
        // next() (no arguments) is the same as next(...arguments)
        return (element.dataset.scopeIds || '') === 'false' ? true : next()

exclude can be used to filter by type, e.g. the default implementation restricts the for attribute to LABEL elements:

const scoper = new Scoper({
    exclude (element, id, next) {
        return id.name === 'for' ? element.tagName !== 'LABEL' : next()

It can also be used to exclude global IDs.


Type: IdAttrs

A list (e.g. array) of attribute names to treat as "ID-like" i.e. the names of attributes IDs should be replaced in.

To add attributes to the default list, or exclude attributes, a function can be supplied which receives the default list as an argument. The function's return value is used as the new list:

const scoper = new Scoper({
    idAttrs (defaultIdAttrs) {
        return defaultIdAttrs.concat(['contextmenu'])



Type: (el: T, options?: Options) → T

Takes a DOM element and rewrites any IDs found in its child/descendant elements so that they are globally unique, and thus safe to combine on a page with another element which uses the same IDs.

If the options parameter is supplied, its values override the corresponding options passed to the constructor for the scope of the call.


Type: (el: T, options?: Options) → T

Takes a DOM element and rewrites any IDs found in the element itself (i.e. not in its descendants) so that they are globally unique, and thus safe to combine on a page with another element which uses the same IDs.

If the options parameter is supplied, its values override the corresponding options passed to the constructor for the scope of the call.


Type: (el: HTMLElement, options?: Options) → void

A functional wrapper around the scopeIds method of an instance of the Scoper class created with the default options i.e. this:

import { scopeIds } from 'element-scope-ids'

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.tabs')) {

is equivalent to:

import Scoper from 'element-scope-ids'

const scoper = new Scoper()

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.tabs')) {


Type: (el: HTMLElement, options?: Options) → void

A functional wrapper around the scopeOwnIds method of an instance of the Scoper class created with the default options.

Uses the same default instance of the Scoper class as scopeIds.



To log what IDs have been changed where, intercept one of the events (to veto a change, see exclude), e.g.:

const scoper = new Scoper()

scoper.on('id', (element, id) => {
    console.log(`${element.tagName}[${id.name}]: ${id.old} => ${id.new}`)

Exclude global IDs

This can be done by supplying an exclude constructor/method option which identifies and optionally transforms global IDs, e.g.:

function isGlobal (el, { value }, next) {
    return (value[0] === '/') ? value.substr(1) : next()

const scoper = new Scoper({ exclude: isGlobal })

for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('[data-scope-ids="true"]')) {
    el.setAttribute('data-scope-ids', 'done')


<div data-scope-ids="true">
    <span id="foo"></span>
    <span id="/bar"></span>
    <span id="/baz"></span>
    <span id="quux"></span>


<div data-scope-ids="done">
    <span id="foo-123"></span>
    <span id="bar"></span>
    <span id="baz"></span>
    <span id="quux-234"></span>

Use with jQuery

element-scope-ids doesn't depend on jQuery, but it can easily be integrated with it, or any other front-end library or framework.

In this example, we mount a Tabs controller object on each tabs widget after its IDs have been scoped.

import 'jquery-initialize'
import Tablist from '@accede-web/tablist'

// scope IDs in every current and future element which has data-scope-ids="true"
$.initialize('[data-scope-ids="true"]', function () {
    $(this).attr('data-scope-ids', 'done') // mark the IDs as scoped

// don't process tabs until their IDs have been scoped
$.initialize('[data-scope-ids="done"] [role="tablist"]', function () {
    new Tablist(this).mount()


NPM Scripts

The following NPM scripts are available:

  • build - compile the library and package it for release
  • bundle - package the compiled source code for CommonJS, ESM etc.
  • clean - remove temporary files and build artifacts
  • compile - compile the source code ready for bundling


  • > 1% of browsers
  • IE 11
  • not Opera Mini



ARIA widgets

Scoped CSS






Copyright © 2018-2021 by chocolateboy.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license.