
This project creates a configurable flip counter using CSS3 animations.


flip-counter NPM version

This is a Flip Counter component with CSS3 animation style. It can be extended to use as a timer, countdown or else that can be represented with digits. demo


 npm install flip-counter-js --save


  1. Create an element, e.g. <div> in your HTML template and set data-flip-counter-js attribute on this element. Refer to the options and configure it as required.
    <div data-flip-counter-js data-fc-size="lg" data-fc-step="11" data-fc-speed="500"
  2. Import FlipCounterJs module. The JavaScript file is generated by Webpack and it supports both CommonJs and AMD.
    import FlipCounter from 'flip-counter-js';
    Else you can find it on global window object.
    <script src="node_modules/flip-counter-js/dist/flip-counter-js.js"></script>
  3. Finally don't forget to include the css style.
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./node_modules/flip-counter-js/dist/css/style.min.css"/>
  4. There is another way to create an instance using JavaScript API:
        var fc = new FlipCounterJs(document.getElementById('fcElement',{
            speed: 0
        fc.increment(10); // Add 10


Property Type Default Description
step Number 1 The amount by which the value increases every time.
speed Number 0 The rate at which the value increases. Unit is milliseconds. Minimum value is 500. If the value is 0, the counter won't increment/decrement automatically.
minDigits Number 4 The minimum number of digits to show. You may expect leading zeros.
start Number 0 The initial value.
size String 'sm' Possible values: xs, sm, md, lg.
mode String 'up' Possible values: up or down. Set mode as up to count up, or down to count down.