
GPL-3.0 License


GTK Theme Framework


Clone the project then cd into the project folder.

To install the default theme (palenight) then run:

./ -i

To install a theme by name (e.g. Amarena) run:

./ -t amarena -i

Available themes

  • palenight (this is the default theme)
  • amarena
  • gruvterial
  • oceanic
  • spacx


  • -h Show script usage
  • -v Show output
  • -i Install
  • -c Recompile theme
  • -f Force png asset recompilation
  • -o Install theme icon set
  • -s Switch theme/icons active after install
  • -t theme-name Pick a theme to compile or install
  • -n theme-name Create a new theme config
  • -x style-name Create a new theme style
  • -d /path/to/dir Pick a custom dir to install the theme to
  • -p /path/to/dir Pick a custom dir to install icons to

Therefore, the following:

./ -t amarena -ios

Will install the Amarena theme and icon set and switch them active upon completion


For recompilation of assets you will need:

  • sassc
  • inkscape
  • optipng

To create your own colour scheme, run the following:

./ -n my-awesome-theme

This will create a new file in the themes directory with the same name as your theme, you can then modify the variables within it to your liking.

To recompile gtk2, gtk3 and gnome-shell styles run:

./ -t my-awesome-theme -c

To automatically switch to this theme on completion run:

./ -t my-awesome-theme -cios

To force asset recompilation use the -f option

./ -t my-awesome-theme -ciosf


You can create your own base style to which themes are applied, doing this is more involved and you will need to know scss/css.

To create your own base style run the following:

./ -x my-awesome-style

Before compiling, make sure that the THEME_STYLE var in your theme config points to your new style. I.e.


Theme Variables

Name Options Usage
THEME_VARIANT light/dark Adjusts colouring for light vs dark themes
THEME_LAPTOP_MODE true/false Modifies the amount of padding on things such as title bars
THEME_HEADER_BAR light/dark Currently not in use
THEME_PANEL light/dark Adjusts the gnome-shell panel for light vs dark themes
THEME_STYLE material Select which source files to build from
THEME_COLOUR_BACKGROUND Hex colour code Background
THEME_COLOUR_FOREGROUND Hex colour code Accented background
THEME_COLOUR_DIVIDER Hex colour code Panel division
THEME_COLOUR_COMMENT Hex colour code Sliders, toggle button, checkboxes, radiobuttons, choice highlights
THEME_COLOUR_DANGER Hex colour code Window close button, general error
THEME_COLOUR_MID_DANGER Hex colour code Warning colour for some applications
THEME_COLOUR_WARNING Hex colour code Alt primary colour and window minimize button
THEME_COLOUR_SUCCESS Hex colour code "Okay" type buttons, Sliding switches, filled in area in sliders
THEME_COLOUR_INFO Hex colour code Hover over some types of text buttons
THEME_COLOUR_DARK_INFO Hex colour code Currently not in use
THEME_COLOUR_TEXT Hex colour code Standard text
THEME_COLOUR_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT Hex colour code Currently not in use
THEME_COLOUR_ACCENT_PRIMARY Hex colour code Link button
THEME_COLOUR_ACCENT_SECONDARY Hex colour code GTK3 theme accent colour
THEME_COLOUR_ACCENT_TERTIARY Hex colour code Underlines in the shell (topbar/dock/workspace switcher)
THEME_COLOUR_UI_FOREGROUND_PRIMARY Hex colour code Text highlighting, progress bars, active items, links
THEME_COLOUR_UI_FOREGROUND_SECONDARY Hex colour code Checkboxes, radio buttons, sliders

Feel free to open a PR with your theme if you want to add it to the project.



