
An elegant theme for Hexo



Demo |

An elegant theme for Hexo. Some of the desgin are inspired by EVAN YOU's blog.


Clone this repository

$ git clone [email protected]:Codpoe/hexo-theme-poem.git

Then you can modify theme setting in hexo-theme-poem/_config.yml.


The default configuration:

# If you have any problem about this theme, 
# please let me kown it via email or GitHub issue.
# Thanks!

# primary config
name: Poem ## Your name shown on the header and the drawer
description: Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen ## Introduce yourself
keywords: Blog, Tech
site_name: Poem's blog ## Your site name shown on the first screen
site_description: Life is a Poem ## Introduce your site
logo: https://i.loli.net/2017/08/31/59a79b0b3ffd8.gif ## The logo on the header and the drawer

# first_screen
## 1.
## On the first screen, you can choose to show the image or the color-gradient.
## 2.
## The links part of first screen: you can add any link, 
## just like <GitHub: [your github url]>.
## note: the key of the link will be the word shown on the screen.
  open: true
  img: https://ws3.sinaimg.cn/large/006tNc79gy1fiyf9ncv1tj31kw11odmz.jpg
    left: '#3a6186'
    right: '#89253e'
  dark: true ## If the style of your image or color is dark, set it to true, else false.
    Gmail: [email protected]
    Weibo: https://weibo.com
    GitHub: https://github.com

# header
  menu: ## the menu on the header and the drawer, you can customize it.
    home: /
    category: /categories
    archive: /archives
    about: /about
  links: ## the links on the header and the drawer, you can customize it.
      name: Wechat
      img: https://ws3.sinaimg.cn/large/006tKfTcgy1fj8st9kjdwj308w08wq3v.jpg ## your wechat qrcode
      name: Weibo
      url: https://weibo.com
      name: GitHub
      url: https://github.com

# copyright
  time: 2017 ## The time of copyright in the footer

# disqus
## You can find more infomation on https://disqus.com/.
  open: false ## Toggle whether your site open the disqus
  shortname: ## Your disqus shortname


First Screen

On the first screen, you can choose to show the image or the color-gradient.

Note: If the image or the color you set is dark, remember set the dark in hexo-theme-poem/_config.yaml to true, or you may not recognize your words (header words, first screen words...) from the background.

Read More

At most time, we don't want to show the full content of the post, then You can seperate your post content with <!--more-->. The content behind the <!--more--> will be hidden on the home page.

Normal Page

If you want to add a normal page with header and footer(eg. the about page), just create a folder that contains a index.md file in the source folder in the root directory, and add layout: normal in front-matter in index.md.

Note that the normal page will open the comments by default. If you want to close the comments, just normal, add comments: false in front-matter in index.md.

Clean Page

If you want to add a clean page with nothing that you can customize completely, just create a folder that contains a index.html file in the source folder in the root directory.


Currently only English(default) and Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) are supported.


How to navigate to the new page?

The url of the new page(normal page or clean page) is http(s)://[your site address]/[the name of the folder that contains the new page].


  • Some widgets
  • The progress bar of the post page
  • ...