
Enhanced port of the Jekyll "Hyde" theme to Hugo

MIT License



Enhanced port of the Jekyll "Hyde" theme to the Hugo site generator. Check below for a list of enhancements.

You can find a live site using this theme here and the corresponding source code here.


$ cd your_site_repo/
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/zyro/hyde-x

See the official Hugo themes documentation for more info.


This theme expects a relatively standard Hugo blog/personal site layout:

└── content
    ├── post
    |   ├── post1.md
    |   └── post2.md
    ├── license.md        // this is used in the sidebar footer link
    └── other_page.md

Just run hugo --theme=hyde-x to generate your site!


An example of what your site's config.toml could look like. All theme-specific parameters are under [params] and standard Hugo parameters are used where possible.

baseurl = "http://example.com/"
title = "Your site title"
languageCode = "en-us"
disqusShortname = "your_disqus_shortname" # Optional, enable Disqus integration
MetaDataFormat = "toml"
theme = "hyde-x"
paginate = 10

    name = "Your Name"

    # Optional. Change the permalink format for the 'post' content type.
    # The format shown here is the same one Jekyll/Octopress uses by default.
    post = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

    # Optional. Use if you want tags and lists.
    category = "categories"

# All parameters below here are optional and can be mixed and matched.
    # If false display full article contents in blog index.
    # Otherwise show description and 'read on' link to individual blog post page.
    # Default (if omitted) is true.
    truncate = true

    # Used when a given page doesn't set its own.
    defaultDescription = "Your default page description"
    defaultKeywords = "your,default,page,keywords"

    # Hide estimated reading time for posts.
    # Default (if omitted) is false.
    hideReadingTime = false

    # Changes sidebar background and link/accent colours.
    # See below for more colour options.
    # This also works: "theme-base-08 layout-reverse", or just "layout-reverse".
    theme = "theme-base-08"

    # Select a syntax highight.
    # Check the static/css/highlight directory for options.
    highlight = "sunburst"

    # Optional additional custom CSS file URL, will override other styles.
    customCSS = ""

    # Displays under the author name in the sidebar, keep it short.
    # You can use markdown here.
    tagline = "Your favourite quote or soundbite."

    # Text for the top menu link, which goes the root URL for the site.
    # Default (if omitted) is "Blog".
    home = "Blog"

    # Metadata used to drive integrations.
    googleAnalytics = "Your Google Analytics tracking code"
    gravatarHash = "MD5 hash of your Gravatar email address"

    # Sidebar social links, these must be full URLs.
    github = ""
    bitbucket = ""
    stackOverflow = ""
    linkedin = ""
    googleplus = ""
    facebook = ""
    twitter = ""
    youtube = ""

    # Other social-like sidebar links
    rss = false  # switch to true to enable RSS icon link
    flattr = ""  # populate with your flattr uid

Built-in colour themes

Hyde-X provides 8 built-in colour themes by default, with the option to define more in your own custom CSS.


  • If you've added theme = "hyde-x" to your config.toml, you don't need to keep using the --theme=hyde-x flag!
  • Pages where you specify menu = "main" in the front matter will be linked in the sidebar just below the Blog link.
  • Use the exact permalink format above to maintain old links if migrating from Jekyll/Octopress.
  • Although all of the syntax highlight CSS files under the theme's static/css/highlight are bundled with the site, only the one you choose will be included in the page and delivered to the browser.
  • Change the favicon by providing your own as static/favicon.png in your site directory.
  • Hugo makes it easy to override theme layout and behaviour, read about it here.
  • Pagination is set to 10 items by default, change it by updating paginate = 10 in your config.toml.
  • Set truncate = false in the [params] section of your config.toml to display full blog post contents in the index page, like the base Hyde theme did.

Changes and enhancements from the original theme

  • Category labels and lists.
  • Client-side syntax highlighting through highlight.js, sane fallback if disabled or no JS - infinitely more flexible than the standard Hugo highlighting.
  • Disqus integration: comment counts listed under blog entry names in post list, comments displayed at the bottom of each post.
  • Gravatar image in sidebar.
  • Google Analytics integration.
  • Sidebar link layout and footer format changes.
  • Blog post list now contains only the post description, not the full contents.
  • Paginated blog listing.
  • FontAwesome social links.
  • ...many other small layout tweaks!


Obviously largely a port of the awesome Hyde theme.

Questions, ideas, bugs, pull requests?

All feedback is welcome! Head over to the issue tracker.


Open sourced under the MIT license.