
master ⇝ gh-pages




master ⇝ gh-pages

A simple combination of a few bash scripts and a Makefile to support you jekyll develpment and deployment to gh-pages.

Getting started

Run this one-liner on the root of yout project:

curl -L | sh

This will copy Makefile and the scripts directory over to your project so you can start using it right away.

Main make goals

  • make or make install: checks whether you have a gh-pages branch and create it if you don't. It also runs bundle install in order to get any Gemfile updates. Feel free to remove this last piece if it does not apply to your scenario.
  • make dist: clones the gh-pages branch into your project destination directory (it'll read from _config.yml if you have it specified there) and runs jekyll build.
  • make serve: starts jekyll's server in watch mode.
  • make deploy: this is where the crazyness happens. It runs dist and then creates a release by pushing the changes to origin/gh-pages
