
This app is designed using JavaScript. It enables users to Add, Edit, and Delete their daily tasks. To add tasks user simply put texts and click submit button. To edit their task user simply need to double click the task list. To delete task user simply need to click delete button.

MIT License



This app is designed using JavaScript. It enables users to Add, Edit, and Delete their daily tasks. To add tasks user simply put texts and click submit button. To edit their task user simply need to double click the task list. To delete task user simply need to click delete button.

Objective of the project

  • Use ES6 modules to write modular JavaScript.
  • Learn how to use proper ES6 syntax.
  • Understand improvements that ES6 brings to JavaScript.
  • To work with webpack to manage our code
  • Use npm as software packages system.

Built With

  • HTML and CSS
  • Modular JavaScript
  • Webpack
  • Linters (Lighthouse, Webhint, Stylelint, Eslint)
  • Git/GitHub work-flow

Demo Link

Go Live

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. Locate the project folder in the Repository. Click on the code button and dowload a zip file for the project locally. Locate the index.html file and double click it to view webpage.


  • Install Node.js to use NPM package manager
  • Install webpack, webpack-dev-server
  • Install html-webpack-plugin
  • Install CSS-loader and style loader
  • Configer webpack.config.js as well


Project reside in this Repo. You can clone the repo or download the files manually to your local machine.



Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a if you like this project!


  • To the content create of webpack
  • To coding partner
  • My morning session partner
  • My reviewer



This project is MIT licensed.

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