
A personal, handmade WordPress theme for

OTHER License


Minimalist Madness for

A repository for 25th design, approximately 7th WordPress theme for, code name Minimalist Madness.

Obviously, this theme is not for the public to use, since this is my website and the theme contains some custom functions that just will not work elsewhere. Would feel awkward to see this in somewhere else. If you are interested in using this in some way, please be in touch. The theme is in here solely for backup purposes, and releasing in sake of open source, versioning and for you to see how I did this thing.

The theme is completely in Finnish and contains hardcoded strings and some of my personal oddities.


The goal for this theme was to be minimal as possible yet retaining some functionality and wow-effect. Also as OCD as I am I thought many times "this is madness" to code for 20 hours straight. Hence, 'Minimalist Madness'.

History is my first website ever, started originally in 1999. Since then I have resigned the site 25 times. This theme was started on Wednesday, 25th of March, during hectic and busy work week and was released on Saturday night, 28th of March. I was coding 4-6 hour streaks, longest was almost 10 hours.

The website is in Finnish, since it's my personal blog and playground, and I'm from Finland. But the documentation should almost all cases be in English, in my opinion if no specific reason to do otherwise.


  • WordPress configuration is based on dudestack which is based on bedrock by Roots. Not releasing the whole rollemaa-stack here, because the repository is about a gig and contains legacy code and stuff behind 10 years... (don't worry, been patching the security)
  • Theme based on air WordPress starter theme
  • New logo! Old one looked like this (2014) and this (2017). New one looks like this
  • No bootstrap or other bloated CSS
  • CC0-photos, random fog/scenery photo for old posts that do not have a featured image
  • SVG icons
  • Accessible (I hope)
  • Speed optimized
  • Credentials, API keys and lisences are in .env file and ignored, naturally