
🌌 A CSS-in-JS library for constraint based design


🌌 mystical

Build themeable, robust and maintainable React component libraries and applications following the System UI Theme Specification.


  • Mystical is a small runtime CSS-in-JS library, inspired by theme-ui. Built on Emotion.
  • A powerful, declarative approach to altering the styles of a component based on its props with the useModifiers hook. Which also allows for responsive props.
  • Array values for defining media query breakpoint values, e.g. margin: [0, 3].

Table of Contents


npm i mystical



Wrap your app with MysticalProvider:

import MysticalProvider from "mystical/MysticalProvider.mjs";

// Optional theme object
const theme = {
  // System UI theme values, See:

const App = () => {
  return <MysticalProvider theme={theme}>...</MysticalProvider>;

Example Component

This Button component attempts to illustrate some of the important parts of the Mystical API:

  1. A css prop that transforms CSS property values from the theme, (like theme-ui)
  2. The concept of modifiers, the combination of a modifiers object with a useModifiers hook. This makes prop based variations of components simple and declarative.
import useModifiers from "mystical/useModifiers.mjs";

const modifiers = {
  variant: {
    primary: {
      color: "white",
      backgroundColor: "blue.600", // These values are picked up off the theme
      ":hover:not(:disabled)": {
        backgroundColor: "blue.500",
      ":active:not(:disabled)": {
        backgroundColor: "blue.700",
  size: {
    small: {
      fontSize: 0,
      lineHeight: "none",
      padding: "2 3", // Shorthand 1-4 properties such as padding are also translated to spacing values defined in the theme
    medium: {
      fontSize: 1,
      lineHeight: "normal",
      padding: "2 4",
    large: {
      fontSize: 2,
      lineHeight: "normal",
      padding: "3 5",
  shape: {
    square: { borderRadius: 1 },
    rounded: { borderRadius: 2 },
    pill: { borderRadius: 5 },

function Button({
  variant = "primary",
  size = "small",
  shape = "rounded",
  modifiers: customModifiers,
}) {
  const modifierStyle = useModifiers(
    { variant, size, shape },
    customModifiers, // optional

  return (
        // Objects passed within arrays are merged
          color: "white",
          fontFamily: "body",
          border: 0,
          ":disabled": {
            opacity: "disabled",

JSX configuration


Configure @babel/preset-react to use the automatic runtime and point the importSource to mystical.

Example @babel/preset-react configuration:

  runtime: "automatic",
  importSource: "mystical",
  development: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",


"transform": {
  "react": {
    "runtime": "automatic",
    "importSource": "mystical"


In jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json:

"compilerOptions": {
  "jsxImportSource": "mystical"


In Vite config:

esbuild: {
  jsxImportSource: "mystical"


If you wish to use the classic runtime instead, just add the @jsx pragma and import the createElement function:

/** @jsx createElement **/
import createElement from "mystical/createElement.mjs";

function MyComponent() {
  // ...


Theme Object

Your theme object should be structured following the convention outlined in the System UI theme specification in order for CSS values to be automatically translated.

CSS Prop

This is the primary method of applying styles to components and elements.

// Example theme:
const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: "#1282A2",
  space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
  // etc

// `padding` is keyed to the `space` property of the theme and looks up the third index in the array.
// `backgroundColor` is keyed to the `colors` property of the theme.
function Component() {
  return <div css={{ padding: 3, backgroundColor: "primary" }}>...</div>;
Theme Lookup

Just like theme-ui, values passed to CSS properties are automatically translated from the theme based on a lookup table, and will default to the literal value if there's no match.

Dot Properties

Arrays and Object theme values can be retrieved by using dot properties:

const theme = {
  colors: {
    red: ["#fed7d7", "#feb2b2", "#fc8181"],

function Component() {
  return <div css={{ backgroundColor: "red.2" }}>...</div>;
Shorthand Properties

CSS Shorthand properties that relate to edges of a box are also translated from the theme. That is: margin, padding, borderWidth, borderRadius, borderColor and borderStyle.

Given the following example:

const theme = {
  space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],

function Component() {
  return <div css={{ margin: "3 5" }}>...</div>;

...the following style is generated: margin: 16px 64px

Media Queries

Instead of explicitly writing media queries, simply pass an array. Breakpoints can also be skipped, e.g. ['100%', , '25%'].

function Component() {
  // Applies width 100% to all viewport widths,
  // 50% above the first breakpoint,
  // and 25% above the next breakpoint
  return <div css={{ width: ["100%", "50%", "25%"] }}>...</div>;
Merging Styles

The css prop also accepts an array of style objects which are deeply merged in order:

function Component() {
  return (
    <div css={[{ fontSize: 1 }, { fontSize: 2, color: "white" }]}>...</div>


Provides the theme context, this is required for Mystical to function.


  • theme: The theme object.
  • options: Options (optional)
    • darkModeOff = false: When enabled, dark mode styles are ignored and not added to the output.
    • darkModeForcedBoundary = false: When enabled, Mystical also adds dark mode styles targeting data-mystical-color-mode="dark". This can be useful for development and visual testing environments (such as Storybook), or for forcing a certain page into dark mode regardless of user system preferences.
import MysticalProvider from "mystical/MysticalProvider.mjs";

// (Optional, defaults shown).
const options = {
  darkModeOff: false,
  darkModeForcedBoundary: false,

function App() {
  return (
    <MysticalProvider options={options} theme={theme}>


Global style component that automatically removes its styles when unmounted.

import Global from "mystical/Global.mjs";

function App() {
  return (
          body: {
            backgroundColor: "white",
            border: 0,


Install @emotion/react (npm i @emotion/react). See

import { keyframes } from "@emotion/react";

const animationName = keyframes({
  // ...

function Component() {
  return (
        // etc


A simple way to pick out values from the theme similar to using the css prop.

import useTheme from "mystical/useTheme.mjs";

function Component() {
  const purple = useTheme("colors", "purple");

  return <div>The colour purple is {purple}!</div>;


Provides access to the complete theme object.

import useMystical from "mystical/useMystical.mjs";

function Component() {
  const { theme } = useMystical();

  return JSON.stringify(theme, null, 2);


A declarative API for handling prop based variations to component styles.

Optionally an array can be passed as a prop to allow for responsive props:

function Example() {
  return (
      <Button size={["small", "medium"]}>Responsive size Button</Button>

This example demonstrates applying modifier styles to a component with multiple elements. See the Button component above for another example.

import useModifiers from "mystical/useModifiers.mjs";

const modifiers = {
  // `default` is a special key for applying and overwriting default styles across each element (experimental).
  default: {
    title: { fontFamily: "heading" },
    subtitle: { fontFamily: "body" },
  size: {
    small: {
      title: { fontSize: 3 },
      subtitle: { fontSize: 0 },
    large: {
      title: { fontSize: 5 },
      subtitle: { fontSize: 2 },

function Component({ size = "small", modifiers: customModifiers }) {
  const modifierStyle = useModifiers(
    { size },
    customModifiers, // Optional secondary modifiers object that will merge with `modifiers`.

  return (
      <div css={modifierStyle.title}>{title}</div>
      <div css={modifierStyle.subtitle}>{subtitle}</div>


A helper utility for applying dark mode styles.

import darkColorMode from "mystical/darkColorMode.mjs";

function Component() {
  return (
    <div css={{ color: "black", [darkColorMode]: { color: "white" } }}>
      This text is black in light mode and white in dark mode.

