
page transitions with nextjs and framer motion api


🚀 About the project

The goal of this project was to learn how to use the Framer Motion API with a Server Side Rendering Framework like NextJS. Also, i created a custom api to retrieve Starbucks Drinks data with My Json Server

🏃 Installation

  // 1 - Git Clone
  // 2 - Installing the dependencies
  yarn install
  // 3 - Run the application in the development mode 
  yarn dev

🔨 Deploy

Zeit provides a easy way to deploy NextJS applications. First of all, you need to install the commands provided by the Now CLI and then run the now command

If you have some problem with the application, don't be afraid to contribute sending a issue/pull request, i'll be happy to help. 😃

Made with ♥ by Laura 👋 See my linkedin!