
🌙🦉 An RStudio, tmThemes, and Ace editor adaptation of @sdras' Night Owl VS Code theme…

MIT License


Night Owlish 🌙🦉

A tmTheme, Ace editor, and rstheme adaptation† of @sdras' Night Owl VS Code theme

  • Theme for Ace editor generated using .tmtheme import instructions found here (plus some manual modifications to .css file).

  • Theme for RStudio IDE generated using the theme importer in RStudio preview and daily builds, with modifications to .rstheme file.

Night owlish in RStudio 🌌

Syntax highlighting in R

Syntax highlight in RMarkdown

Installation notes

If you have RStudio ≥ 1.2, you can directly import the .rstheme file in the RStudio IDE!

See RStudio IDE Custom Theme Support for a pictorial step-by-step, or Creating Custom Themes for RStudio if you want to learn more.

You can also download and apply the theme programmatically by running:

rstudioapi::addTheme("", apply = TRUE)

To install, but not apply the theme, just switch the apply argument to FALSE.

🌌 Enjoy

Full disclosure: I don't actually use TextMate — this was but a means to an end, as RStudio (which uses Ace) allows you to import tmThemes. If it looks terrible, and you have fixes please submit a PR! 🙏