
༻ SCSSleon framework ༺

MIT License


┌ 🧭 Quickstart ┐

┌ 📚 Documentation ┐

xiigrid's documentation, included in this repo in the root directory, is built with Hugo and publicly hosted on GitHub Pages at The docs may also be run locally.

Documentation search is powered by Algolia's DocSearch. Working on our search? Be sure to set debug: true in site/assets/js/search.js.

─ Running documentation locally

  1. From the root / directory, run make docs in the command line.
  2. Open http://localhost:8000/xiigrid/ in your browser.
  3. Enjoy the documentation locally

Learn more about using Hugo by reading its documentation.

┌ Contributing ┐

For contributing, please view the CONTRIBUTING.

┌ Thanks ┐

Thanks to BrowserStack for providing the infrastructure that allows us to test in real browsers!

┌ 📜 License ┐

MIT license

Backend -->|Database| PostgreSQL Backend -->|Payment| PaymentService
