
Implements numeric up down WPF controls to edit/display values (byte, integer, short, ushort etc.) with a textbox and optional up/down arrow (repeat) buttons. Value editing is possible by dragging the mouse vertically/horizontally, clicking up/down buttons, using up/down or left right cursor keys, spinning mousewheel on mouseover, or editing the textbox.

MIT License



Fixes and Features Added in Version 3.4

This release has been authored by Jรผrgen Holzer ๐Ÿ™

Fixes and Features Added in Version 3.3.1

This release has been authored by heartacker ๐Ÿ™

Fixes and Features Added in Version 3.3

Bug Fixes

This release has been authored by Jรผrgen Holzer ๐Ÿ™

Fixes and Features Added in Version 3.3

Bug Fixes

Fixes and Features Added in Version 3.2

Bug Fixes

Features Added

  • WaterMark support Use the Watermark binding to display a default string (when the user deletes all characters in the textbox portion) to hint at the expected input format.

  • add support command binding Use the new Command binding to process the event when the user clicks on the Up/Dowm button of the UpDown Control.

This release has been authored by heartacker and Ryan Weldin ๐Ÿ™

Features Added in Version 3.1

This release has been authored by heartacker ๐Ÿ™

Features Added in Version 3.0

  • Display and Edit of Hex values

  • Text portion editing can be:

    • Cancelled with Escape key or can be
    • Okay'ed with Enter Key
  • The Edit TextBox displays during editing a Red or Green indicator (in upper left corner) depending on whether current text is:

    • a valid number (GREEN) or
    • not valid number (RED)
  • Dependency Features Added:

    • IsLargeStepEnabled
    • FormatString
    • NumberStyle
  • Improved Style/Template

Thanx for contributing go to heartacker ๐Ÿ™

More Features

This library implements numeric up down WPF controls to edit a value:

  • by dragging the mouse vertically/horizontally (see recording below) or
  • by clicking up/down arrow (repeat) buttons or
  • up/down or left right cursor keys or
  • spinning mousewheel up down on mouseover or
  • editing a textbox

Each control implementation is specific for a certain .Net data type:

Data Type Control
byte ByteUpDown control
decimal DecimalUpDown control
double DoubleUpDown control
float FloatUpDown control
integer IntegerUpDown control
long LongUpDown control
sbyte SbyteUpDown control
short ShortUpDown control
ushort UshortUpDown control
uint UintUpDown control
ulong UlongUpDown control

Percentages can be edit at [0-100] while backend viewmodels handles [0-1] values, see FactorToDoubleConverter and PercentageUpDownDemo in demo clients at project site.

Controls are fully themeable. Project site contains demos for:

  • Dark/Light theme and
  • Generics theme
    test clients.

More Features:

  • Small Increments and Decrements can be configured to be 1 or any greater value than 1.
  • Large Small Increments and Decrements can be configured to be 10 or any other value greater 1.
  • The width of the control can be configured to be fixed (textbox will scroll inside when text is too large)
  • Up/Down button is disabled when min or max limit is already reached
  • Up/Down button can be configured to be invisible
  • Mouse drag mode for editing value can be enabled/disabled
  • SelectAll on GotFocus of TextBox
  • IsReadOnly property disables the textbox portion but leaves all other funtions for Increment/Decrement available

LargeStepSize and StepSize

There are mouse and keyboard input methods that support 2 different configurable increment/decrement values.

Mouse Drag Mode

The user can hover the mouse over the textbox portion of the control and:

  • left click/drag vertically or
  • left click/drag horizontally

to change the current value with the size configured in StepSize or LargeStepSize dependency property.

Mouse Wheel

The user can hover the mouse over the textbox portion and spin the mouse wheel with:

  • no modifier key pressed or
  • a modifier key pressed

to change the current value with the size configured in StepSize or LargeStepSize dependency property.

The modifier key for changing the value with LargeStepSize can be configured in the MouseWheelAccelaratorKey dependency property.

Cursor Keys

The user can click into the textbox portion of the control and:

  • press cursor left or right or
  • press cursor up and down

to change the current value with the size configured in StepSize or LargeStepSize dependency property.

Demo Applications

There is a demo application that shows the usage of the control (Light/Black themes enabled) and documents the features, such as, the ability to configure a minimum and maximum value that can be used to keep the resulting value within a given bound.


Load Light or Dark brush resources in you resource dictionary to take advantage of existing definitions.

        <ResourceDictionary Source="/NumericUpDownLib;component/Themes/DarkBrushs.xaml" />
        <ResourceDictionary Source="/NumericUpDownLib;component/Themes/LightBrushs.xaml" />

These definitions do not theme all controls used within this library. You should use a standard theming library, such as:

to also theme standard elements, such as, button and textblock etc.

Visit the project's Wiki for more details.