
This project is a to-do list app built using ES6 and Webpack as part of Microverse projects.

MIT License


Web app for a To-do list

This project is a to-do list app built using ES6 and Webpack as part of Microverse projects.

Things done so far:

1. Create list structure

  • Use custom-built Webpack boilerplate
  • Implement app structure using classes
  • Populate to-do list dynamically on page load
  • Implement event listener using promise
  • Split JS files into modules
  • Configure repository to deploy from Webpack output directory

2. Make list interactive

  • Implement HTML Drag and Drop API on list items
  • Track task status
  • Implement Web Storage API for local storage of tasks
  • Refactor modules using classes

3. Implement CRUD

  • Allow user to add, edit, and delete tasks
  • Make UI elements functional

Built With

  • Major languages: HTML, CSS, JS
  • Technologies used: Lighthouse, Webhint, Stylelint, ESLint, Webpack, Node.js

Live Demo

Online Version Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow the steps below in your terminal.


  • Node.js
  • npm


Clone the project:

git clone 


There are currently no production dependencies.

Install the development dependencies:

npm install


The assets are in the src directory.

The output is in the docs directory.

Run tests

To run the entire test suite:

npm test


Note: The default output directory of Webpack (dist) has been renamed to docs to facilitate publishing from GitHub Pages.

To build the website:

npm run build

To serve the website directly:

npm run start


👤 Joseph Ogbole

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Microverse for the Readme Template

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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