
The online commerce frontend page created by using pure HTML, CSS and bootstrap library.



Microverse School > 8. HTML & CSS3 > Capstone Project: Online shop frontend for footwear

HTML-CSS-capstone-project (Online shop for footwear)

This is a project for the HTML & CSS capstone project: Online shop for footwear ( The Project is based on an online shop for electronics. I personalized the content, instead of a shop of electronics I built a page for the store for footwears. I followed the best practices in HTML, CSS and in GitHub process flow.

Live Demo

Live Demo Link Home page

Live Demo Link Search Result page

Video Presentation

Desktop Screenshots (tablet & desktop: size from 768px)

Main page

Search result page

Small screen Screenshots (mobile: size up to 768px)

Main page

Search result page

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Flex layout
  • Bootstrap 4.5.0 framework
  • Font Awesome 4.7.0 icons
  • Flaticon Icons


  • Use semantic HTML tags.
  • Use CSS selectors correctly.
  • Use HTML elements box model (margin, padding, width, height).
  • Use industry-standard tools (flexbox) to place elements in the page.
  • Ability to create UIs adaptable to different screen sizes using mediaqueries.
  • Apply front-end best practices.


  • Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or any other browser)


  • Download or clone the repository's files
  • Open the index.html file using any web browser of your choice
  • Additionally, You can go to githack and put the link of HTML file there and access the site from generated link.


Ramin Mammadzada


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Feel free to check the issues page.

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This project is MIT licensed.

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