
A personal portfolio website designed and functions like a terminal. A single page application with server-side rendering

MIT License


Prav Terminal - Portfolio Website

Inspired By - Yassine Fathi

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run dev

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Color Reference

Color Hex
Lime Green #39FF14 #39FF14
White #F7F7F7 #F7F7F7
Bright Blue #00a6f4 #00a6f4
Bright Purple #BF40BF #BF40BF
Black #151515 #151515
Orange #FC7300 #FC7300
Yellow #FFDE00 #FFDE00
Off-White #F8F1F1 #F8F1F1
Teal #125B50 #125B50
Electric Green #BFDB38 #BFDB38
Pink-Red #FF4057 #FF4057
Brown #B3541E #B3541E
Pink #F535AA #F535AA
Turquoise Blue #00f5d0 #00f5d0


  1. Source Code Pro