
The TicTacToe game in JavaFX with a multilayer perceptron (MLP)


Tic Tac Toe

This software was developped as an assignment during the 2019/20 university year at the CERI, Avignon University (France), by the following students:

  • Yanis Labrak
  • Valentin Vougeot


The source code is organized around the MVC pattern.

  • At the root of the project we have :
    • Models
      • Contain all the class for the objects
    • Vues
      • Contain all the FXML files which each corresponding to a "Vue"
    • Controllers
      • Contain all the methods which will handle the events for a specific view
    • Resources
      • Contain all the resources like the pictures and CSS style-sheets
    • Services
      • Contain all others useful classes
    • Config
      • Contain all configuration classes like the colors or the strings
    • The main class of the project
      • Main.java


Here is the procedure to install this software :

  1. Download the executable in the release section
  2. Setup the build path
    1. Source > Add Folder > Choose the src folder
    2. Libraries
      • Add Library > JavaFX SDK
      • Add Library > JRE System Library

Development environment
