
Reactjs Meetup 14 talk


React Bangalore Meetup #14

In this talk, my primary focus was around how to build developer products such as libraries, open source projects, tools etc. Made an effort to explore and explain the process of developing a library (here, React Component Library) by understanding how it is done in popular open source projects and else where. Also, throughout the talk, along with tech explanation, there was a lot of live-code and eventually we publish our own React Component Library to NPM!

This repository contains the code used to demonstrate during the talk. I hope you find it useful :)

You can watch the the talk here ;)

Feel Free to leave a if you find this useful


1. Design Systems

**Must Refer Design Systems **

**Blog References **

2. Storybook

**Concepts and Documentation References **

**Video Tutorial References **

3. Module Bundling and Rollup

**Listing some of the best Blog References **

**Video Tutorial References **

You can find my Talk Presentation slides here

Want to give a talk? Here are few amazing places from where you can start from!

Feel Free to raise a PR to add resources or anything you wanna share in general!

Thank you @reactify_in for having me!