
Introduces a pattern to make working with blocks/modules a little more oop.

MIT License



SassBlocks introduces a pattern to make working with bem-blocks/modules in Sass/Scss a little more oop.


Install SassBlocks via Bower or npm.


bower install sass-blocks --save-dev


npm install sass-blocks --save-dev


Make sure to import the _sass-blocks.scss file.

@import "path/to/sass-blocks";

SassBlocks proposes a pattern where you first declare all variables that should be local to the current block into the sass map $this. Inside the block only those variables are used. Block variables are only ever accessed via the this() function. After the blocks execution $this is reset.

// Somewhere else before the block is loaded
$global-height-value: 130px;
$global-color-brand: hotpink;

// _myblock.scss
// Each block should live in it's seperate file.
// To begin declare all internal variables for this block.
// Reference any external variables that will be used in here.
// Think of this as a 'constructor'.

$this: (
    // Block name
    block:                  myblock,

    // Block variables
    height:                 100px,
    subheight:              $global-height-value,
    somecolor:              $global-color-brand,

// Define your block.
// This does not need to follow bem-principles, but it certainly can't hurt. ;)
// Do not use any global variables in here!

.#{this(block)} {
    height: this(height);

    &__element {
        height: this(subheight);

        &--modifier {
            color: this(somecolor);

// Remember to unset $this. This way we fake scoping it to that file.
$this: null;

// all of this should result in
// .myblock { height: 100px; }
// .myblock__element { height: 130px; }
// .myblock__element--modifier { color: hotpink; }

Remember that using SassBlocks reserves the $this variable.

The actual function itself isn't that big of deal. this() just makes accessing the $this map a bit less verbose.

// 'old'
$foo = map-get($this, bar);
// the SassBlocks way
$foo = this(bar);