
An app that generates a shell script to build a directory structure based on your Sass manifest file

MIT License


Sass Director

An app that generates a shell script to build a directory structure based on your Sass manifest file.

Using the Website


@import "utils/variables";
@import "utils/functions";
@import "utils/mixins";
@import "utils/placeholders";

@import "base/reset";
@import "base/typography";

@import "layout/navigation";
@import "layout/grid";
@import "layout/header";
@import "layout/footer";
@import "layout/sidebar";
@import "layout/forms";

@import "components/buttons";
@import "components/carousel";
@import "components/cover";
@import "components/dropdown";

@import "pages/home";
@import "pages/contact";

@import "themes/theme";
@import "themes/admin";

Default Output:

mkdir utils;cd utils;touch _variables.scss;touch _functions.scss;touch _mixins.scss;touch _placeholders.scss;cd ../;mkdir base;cd base;touch _reset.scss;touch _typography.scss;cd ../;mkdir layout;cd layout;touch _navigation.scss;touch _grid.scss;touch _header.scss;touch _footer.scss;touch _sidebar.scss;touch _forms.scss;cd ../;mkdir components;cd components;touch _buttons.scss;touch _carousel.scss;touch _cover.scss;touch _dropdown.scss;cd ../;mkdir pages;cd pages;touch _home.scss;touch _contact.scss;cd ../;mkdir themes;cd themes;touch _theme.scss;touch _admin.scss;

It works for files in the same directory and multiple subdirectories:


@import 'file1';

@import 'dir1/file2';
@import 'dir1/dir2/file3';

@import 'dir3/dir4/file5';


touch _file1.scss;mkdir dir1;cd dir1;touch _file2.scss;mkdir dir2;cd dir2;touch _file3.scss;cd ../;cd ../;mkdir dir3;cd dir3;mkdir dir4;cd dir4;touch _file5.scss;cd ../;cd ../;


Options Default
Sass syntax .scss, .sass .scss
File prefix _, no _ use _

Node Module

There is now a node module! To install, either simply type npm install -g sass-director or clone this repo and use the command npm install -g. Then you can use the following format to build your directories and files:

sass-director <filename> <directory>

For instance, if you are in the home directory and have created a sass folder, you can type sass-director sass/main.scss sass, or you can simply leave off the directory command when inside of the sass folder: sass-director my-manifest.scss.


  • quotation style ' or "
  • choose .sass or .scss
  • make interface pretty
  • Option to add '_'
  • ignore comments
  • allow for subdirectories
  • create cli so we can go sass-director file-name.scss
  • Options for sass and underscore in node module
  • Add shellscript docs