
Dynamically generated data for SD main repo


Dynamically generated data for SD main repo

Used to create:

  • Extensions data
  • Benchmark data


  • .github/workflows: definitions of github actions that run as cron jobs
  • jobs: scripts triggered by github actions
  • inputs: data gathered by github actions
  • lists: manually created lists
  • pages: data created by github actions
  • views: helper html pages to view data

Extensions workflow

  1. Job runs every 2h, 30min past the hour
  2. Fetch original list from A1111
    • Saved as: inputs/a1111-extensions.json
  3. Create master list
    • Fetch additional data using github api for each entry
  4. Parse additional data from lists folder
    • Updates or append master lists
    • Fetches addtional data using github api where needed
  5. Create final list
    • Saved as: pages/extensions.json

Extensions additional data

  • Folder lists can contain any number of additional JSON files
    those are only files that should be manually edited
  • Each found file is used in order of priorities
  • Each entry can be used to update existing entry or append a new one
    • if url is matched to a known url from master list, master list data is updated with info from the object
    • if url is not matched, master list is appended with the object
    • if object has url property, additional data is fetched about it using github api

JSON format of files in lists is array of objects with following properties:

  • url: url of the extension, required
  • name: name of the extension, optional
  • description: description of the extension, optional
  • branch: specify which branch to use if not default
  • note: notes about the extension, optional
    used as hint value in sdnext ui
  • status: status of the extension, optional
    • 0: unknown (gray)
    • 1: fully supported (green)
    • 2: working with backend:original, but not backend:diffusers (orange)
    • 3: working with backend:diffusers, but not backend:original (orange)
    • 4: custom value, will use note field (blue)
    • 5: unsupported (red)
    • 6: discovered via github search, but not in index (red)

Additionally, SD.Next UI will mark extensions without status with:

  • (light-blue): local install without known github url
  • (purple): likely unmaintained extension

Other properties are filled dynamically based on information from the git repository

Extensions viewer

Benchmark workflow