
Simple JS library for create sharing buttons

MIT License


Share It

Share It — Simple JS library for create sharing buttons with counters. The JavaScript library is written without using JQuery or any other tools / frameworks.

How supported:

  • VKontakte
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Google Plus
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Odnoklassniki
  • Tumblr

You can see online demo -


Add HTML code to your page

<div data-url="" class="share-it-buttons">
  <div class="vkontakte"></div>
  <div class="linkedin"></div>
  <div class="facebook"></div>
  <div class="twitter"></div>
  <div class="google-plus"></div>
  <div class="mailru"></div>
  <div class="odnoklassniki"></div>
  <div class="tumblr"></div>
  <div data-media="" class="pinterest"></div>

You can init widget by two ways:

  1. Include JS script to footer your page or after widget code, widget will generate automatically.
  2. Include JS script on <HEAD> with other scripts and for init widget use constructor.
<script type="text/javascript">
    new window.ShareIt()

Widget theme — Minimal color


For add parameters to widget need add attrubute data-<parameter>

Base widget parameters

Can be redefined for specific button

Parameter Values Description Default
url string Page url window.location
counters true | false Use sharing counters true
window true | false Open url in a popup false
titles true | false Is add html attribute title="Share to <social>" true
description string Page description page title

Buttons parameters

You can use attribute data-text="Button text" for specific button for replace custom button text.


Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title
description string Post text
image string Url to image
noparse true | false
no_vk_links integer [0,1]

See more in official documentation.


Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title
description string Post text
picture string Url to image

See more in official documentation.


Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title
description string Post text

Google Plus

Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share

See more in official documentation.


Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title
description string Post text
hashtags string List of tags (example,demo)
screen_name string Address the Tweet to a specific user.
via string Attribute the source of a Tweet to a Twitter username
related string List of accounts related to the content of the shared URI.

See more in official documentation.


Parameter Values Description
media string Url to image (requred)
description string Post text

Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title
description string Post text
image_url string Url to image
swfurl string Url to Flash-movie
width string Video width
height string Video height

See more in official documentation.


Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title
description string Post text


Parameter Values Description
url string Page url for share
title string Post title

See more in official documentation.


  1. Fork the project
  2. Make your feature addition or bug fix
  3. Send me a pull request on Github

For compilation in root folder use command:

coffee --watch --compile --output lib/ src/

And for create min JS files:

gulp watch


Share-It is released under the MIT License.