
Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instapaper & LinkedIn social link that do not rely on Javascript


Simple Sharing

Social / share links that do not rely on Javascript

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Google+
  • Instapaper
  • LinkedIn
  • Tumblr
  • Pinterest
  • The Fancy
  • Whatsapp

Styled links

I am working on creating a normalised set of share links that look exactly like the official ones with the exception that they are all the same size. My progress is outlined below:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook (old style)
  • Facebook (new style)
  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • Instapaper
  • The Fancy
  • Tumblr
  • LinkedIn

Get started

If all you need is the markup, copy and paste the items below, but if you want some styling, download the repo and open index.html in your browser - WARNING they are still a work a progress.


Below you will see wildcards being used, like {URL} & {TITLE} etc, these should be replaced by whatever (in this case) url or share title that you see fit.

Twitter [tweet]

<a href="{REFERRER_URL}&source=tweetbutton&text={TWEET_TEXT}&url={URL}&via={Username}" title="Tweet" class="socialBtn socialBtn--twitter">Tweet</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href=" is the tweet text&url=http://" title="Tweet" class="socialBtn socialBtn--twitter">Tweet</a>

Facebook [share]

<a href="{URL}&t={TITLE}" class="socialBtn socialBtn--facebook">Share on Facebook</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href=" Sharing links on Github" class="socialBtn socialBtn--facebook">Share on Facebook</a>

Google+ [share]

<a href="{URL}" class="socialBtn socialBtn--googlePlus">Google+</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href="" class="socialBtn socialBtn--googlePlus">Google+</a>

Pinterest [pin]

<a href="//{URL}&media={IMAGE_URL}&description={DESCRIPTION}">Pin it</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href="// sharing links">Pin it</a>

Instapaper [read later]

<a href="{URL}&amp;title={TITLE}">Read Later</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href=";title=Simple sharing links">Read Later</a>

LinkedIn [share]

<a href="{URL}&original_referer={REFERRER}">LinkedIn</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href="">LinkedIn</a>

The Fancy [fancy it]

<a href="{URL}&Title={TITLE}&Category={CATEGORY}&ImageURL={IMAGE_URL}">Fancy</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href=" sharing links&ImageURL=">Fancy</a>

Tumblr [share]

<a href="{URL}&name={NAME}&description={DESCRIPTION}" title="Share on Tumblr">Share on Tumblr</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href=" sharing links&description=Simple sharing links for your projects" title="Share on Tumblr">Share on Tumblr</a>

Whatsapp [share]

<a href="whatsapp://send?text={MESSAGE CONTENT}" title="Share on Whatsapp">Share on Whatsapp</a>

<!-- Example-->
<a href="whatsapp://send?text=Have a look at for some great, simple sharing links" title="Share on Whatsapp">Share on Whatsapp</a>

Vkontakte [share]

<a href="{URL}">Share on Vkontakte</a>

<!-- Example -->
<a href="">Share on Vkontakte</a>

Odnoklassniki [share]

<a href="{URL}&title=Share on Odnoklassniki"></a>

<!-- Example -->
<a href=" on Odnoklassniki"></a>