
Lightweight CSS-in-JS for SolidJS based on BauCSS


CSS-in-JS for SolidJS

Shamlessly copied BauCSS, added styled for SolidJS.


pnpm i bau-solidcss
import BauSolidCss from "bau-solidcss";
const { css, styled, keyframes, createGlobalStyles } = BauSolidCss();

Worked example

cd example
pnpm i
pnpm run dev

bau-solidcss package

It exports 4 primitives: cssto build classes, keyframes to build animations, createGlobalStyles for global styles and styled to build styled components and easy conditional styling.

Global style with createGlobalStyles

  :root {
    margin: 0;
    --main-color: midnightblue;
  body {
    text-align: center;

Build a class with css

You write template strings, pass it to the function css to build a class.

const main = css`
  background-color: bisque;
  color: var(--main-color);

<div class={main}>I am an div</div>;

Build a styled component with styled

const P = (props) => styled("p", props)`
  color: ${props.color ?? "var(--main-color)"};

<P>I am blue</P>
<P color="red">I am red</P>;

Add rules to a styled component

Yo ucan extend rules, not overwrite them. To overwrite them, use the conditional form with props, see below.

const B = (props) => (
      background-color: bisque;

<B> A bisqued "P"</B>;

Conditional classes

Take CSS rules in the form of the object below:

const styles = (props) => {
  base: `
    cursor: pointer;
    font-size: ${props.size ?? 1}em;
    border-radius: 0.3em;
    padding: 0.3em;
  danger: `
    color: red;
    animation: ${rescale} 1s ease infinite;
  disabled: `
    pointer-events: none;
    opacity: ${props.opacity};

You can do:

const Btn = (props) =>
  styled("button", props)`
    ${styles(props).root +
    (props.danger ? styles(props).danger : "") +
    (props.disabled ? styles(props).disabled : "")}

Alternatively, when you use the boject above, then the styled primitive merges the styles from the props. In other words, with:

const Button = (props) => styled("button", props)`

you can do:

// the 1st version:
<Btn size={2} onClick={()=> alert('hi')}>Base size 2</Btn>
<Btn danger="true">Danger</Btn>

//or the second version
<Button>Base Button</Button>
    box-shadow: 6px -6px bisque;
  Shadowed Danger

Reactive style of a component

const [size, setSize] = createSignal(1)

const Dyn = (props) => {
  const size = () => props.size || 1;
  return (
    <div style={{ "font-size": `${size()}em` }}>{props.children}</div>

<input type="number" value={size()} onchange={e => setSize(} />
<Dyn size={size()}>Dynamic</Dyn>

Animations with keyframes

const rescale = keyframes`
0% {transform: scale(0.5)}
100% {transform: scale(1)}

const AnimSurf = (props) => styled("span", props)`
  font-size: ${props.size}em;
  animation: ${rescale} 2s ease infinite;

<AnimSurf size={3}></AnimSurf>;