
A simpler, more sustainable way of web development

ISC License


Vanilla Prime

A simpler, more sustainable way of web development. A spiritual successor to VANILLA TODO, further into real-world practice.

No frameworks, no bundlers, no required dependencies. Just web standards, patterns, a unix-style toolset, and some elbow grease.

Vanilla Prime is not meant to be easy. From a developer's perspective, it is certainly less ergonomic than your fully integrated framework du jour.

But it can be learned, and you will acquire deep knowledge of the web platform, and your websites will be performant and lightweight and timeless and independent and hackable (in a good way), and respect your user's and the world's resources.

Vanilla Prime is the Dark Souls of web development stacks: Difficult to get into, hard to master, but incredibly rewarding.

This repository serves as a guide to Vanilla Prime, as well as boilerplate for adopting it in new projects, lest we eternally suffer from framework churn, and never shake the ghastly, over-engineered coil of contemporary web development.

Quick Start

  • Install Node.js >= 20.
  • Open a terminal.
  • Run git clone --depth=1 my-website.
  • Run cd my-website.
  • Run npm install.
  • Run npm run dev.
  • Visit http://localhost:8080.
  • Work on ./src, ./public, and anything else really.
  • Run npm run build.
  • Deploy ./dist somewhere.

Only differentiating or novel concepts are explained in this guide. Intermediate understanding of the web platform, and a curious mind, is wanted. Inspect and experiment with the given boilerplate along the way. Happy hacking!


  • Node.js to run most other tools listed here.
  • TypeScript for JavaScript type safety and correctness.
  • SCSS for CSS preprocessing.
  • s4d as a local development server with live reload and SPA support.
  • exdom as a supporting runtime library.
  • Playwright for end-to-end and unit testing.
  • c8 for test coverage.
  • terser for JavaScript minification.
  • cbst for cache busting.
  • Prettier for code formatting.
  • ESLint for JavaScript/TypeScript linting.
  • Stylelint for CSS linting.

All of these are optional. In particular, TypeScript and SCSS are not strictly vanilla, and may be dropped for even more purity.

You will need to get familiar with the terminal and shell scripting, which serves as the tooling's glue.

Public Directory

The ./public directory is the root directory for standard static files and assets, e.g. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and so on.

The public directory is served during local development, and should be deployable to a static web server as-is.

Some files in the public directory may be generated from source files. Further production optimizations may use the public directory as input.

Source Directory

The ./src directory is for non-standard source files that need to be compiled (if any), e.g. TypeScript and SCSS files.

The source directory has the same structure as the public directory.

Scripts Directory

The ./scripts directory contains shell scripts for development, testing and building the project.

It is recommended reading through the shell scripts (and the various config files in the project root) to understand their purpose, and to be able to adapt them as you see fit.

Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure (rscss)

Follow rscss when authoring HTML and CSS. It strikes a balance between structure and flexibility and aligns well with the rest of Vanilla Prime's architecture.

Large Module Files

Write rather large module files, e.g. capturing a complete feature or domain. This reduces network calls and simplifies speculative loading.

Do not create one file per function or class or other code unit. Do not use barrel indexes. Use code folding to navigate large files.

Mount Functions

Use mount functions to organize UI code, e.g. interactive components and dynamic behaviors.

Mount functions accept a DOM element as their first argument. Their responsibility is to set up initial state, event listeners, and provide behavior and rendering for the target element (all of which are optional).

Mount functions do not create or own their target elements. Target elements must be created before mounting.

A mount function for a component will often set some rigid initial HTML and define an idempotent update function that updates the dynamic parts of the component's DOM. The update function is usually called in response to certain DOM events.

Avoid manipulating the DOM directly from event handlers.

Consider toggling visibility instead of constructing different DOM trees based on some state.

Communicate via DOM Events

Use DOM events to communicate across the user interface. Use CustomEvent with detail to transmit data.

Data events flow from parent components to child components and do not bubble up. Data events are in noun-form.

Action events bubble up the DOM, usually resulting in some parent component state change, which is in turn propagated downwards through data events. Action events are in verb-form.


Reconciliation is the rendering and re-rendering of a variable number of dynamic elements in a given container.

Alas, for reconciliation we have not yet discovered an efficient vanilla form. For now, use reconcile from exdom.


Use vendoring when importing third-party libraries, i.e. copy library files into a project's source or public directory so that there's no need for bundling.

To get pinned versions and type safety, install packages with npm first, and copy the necessary files from ./node_modules/<package> to ./src/js/vendor.

Then, create a ./src/js/vendor/<package>.d.ts file containing export * from '<package>';. Automate this in ./scripts/

For Library Authors


Consider writing your entire library in one large ES module file. Otherwise, provide individual ES modules, as well as a bundled ES module.

Provide TypeScript typings (*.d.ts) or use JSDoc to provide typings.

Avoid dependencies. If necessary, accept dependencies as function or constructor arguments.


  • Find a unique prefix fitting to the library.
  • Prefix component and helper class names.
  • Do not prefix element and variant class names.
  • Prefix CSS variables.
  • Provide individual CSS files.
  • Provide a bundled CSS file.



Vanilla Prime still has some gaps and rough edges. Notable open questions include:

  • Can routing be done reasonably well with vanilla means?
  • Can vendoring be reasonably automated?
  • What is our stance on server-side generation?
  • How could environment variables be passed?

The work continues...