
Single page app using React that enables users to review favorite recipes


Recipe Review Challenge

The top award winning chefs in all of Westeros are proudly sharing their favorite recipes. Check out the ingredients they used and rate or mark your favorite recipes if you like.

What I'm working with

  1. React
  2. Node
  3. Express
  4. Webpack
  5. Jest and Enzyme
  6. ESLint (with configs for Standard, React, and Promises)
  7. Other tools to help with housekeeping like Superagent, Concurrently, and CSS/SASS/Style loaders.

Getting Started (install Node on your machine)

  1. Clone the repo from Github to your machine.
  2. CD into westeros-recipes directory and run the following commands:
  • npm install (installs all of the dependencies needed)
  • npm run test (optionally, run open coverage/lcov-report/index.html in terminal (MacOS only) to see the test coverages)
  • npm run start - then go to Local Host 5000