
Starter project to write and debug cucumber-js features in TypeScript language



Starter project to write and debug cucumber-js v6 features in TypeScript language.

!!! this template is intended to work with cucumber-js v6 only. For cucumber-js v7 this template has been migrated in cucumber7-ts-starter !!!

After cloning the repo

  • run the command npm install.

To execute the tests locally

  • run the command npm test.

To debug a scenario in Visual Studio Code

  • tag the scenario with @debug
  • set the breakpoints in the typescript code
  • Start debugging

To run only specific scenarios

  • tag the scenario(s) with @only
  • run the command npm run only.

To ignore a scenario

  • tag the scenario with @ignore

To check for typescript, linting and gherkin errors

  • run the command npm run build.

To view the html report of the last run

  • run the command npm run report.

To view the steps usage

  • run the command npm run steps-usage.

To create a new step

  • first write the Given/When/Then sentence:

    Given I push "foo" on "bar"
  • tag the scenario with @only

  • run the npm script:

    npm run snippets
  • the script will report the missing step(s): you just need to copy and paste them in the step definitions file:

    Given('I push {string} on {string}', async function (string, string2) {
      // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
      return 'pending';

To use a custom option on the CLI

  • add your custom option to the CLI that starts cucumber:
./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js features/**/*.feature --foo=bar 
  • use it at runtime:
if ( === 'bar') {
  // custom code for option --foo=bar

To use a custom World Objet