
Windows & Linux automated scripts & docs to improve your UX & productivity (including WSL2, conda, GPU drivers & development tools)

CC0-1.0 License


Awesome OS Setup

Windows WSL Terminal Desktop with terminals
Windows WSL Terminal Desktop with terminals

Table of contents

1. Windows 11-WSL2

Valuable applications & tips for enhancing your Windows user experience, with a focus on creating a productive environment incorporating WSL 2 (Linux).

Get started with one command (run it in powershell as administrator):

## Run it in powershell as ADMINISTRATOR
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

2. Linux WSL2 (Ubuntu)

A set of configurations, dotfiles and a script to automatically set up a powerful terminal & shell utilities(zsh,fzf, ctrl+f on terminal to search files & folder...), themes like Powerlvl10k, Conda, GPU drivers, and more on Linux/WSL2, again automatically.

Get started with one command (linux):

sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

3. TV setup

4. Shortcuts_and_apps_setup

5. Awesome Websites & Browser extensions

Read more about it here: README / website

For Windows users: Why you should use WSL2? WSL2 enables users to run Linux applications and use command-line tools natively on their Windows machines. This integration allows users to enjoy the familiarity of Windows while simultaneously harnessing the power and flexibility of Linux. Also, a surprising number of Linux GUI apps can run on WSL. GUI applications are officially supported on WSL2 and referred to as WSLg(No installation required).

macOS Linux Windows with WSL
Advantages (+) Excellent for coding and video editing. Supports Adobe & Office products. (+) Ideal for coding and gaming, providing good performance in both areas. - (+) Seamless compatibility with diverse software, including Adobe & Office products. (+) Optimal choice for gaming enthusiasts (+) Well-suited for coding with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and no need for dual boot.
Inconvenient (-) Limited gaming capabilities compared to Windows & Linux. (-) Lacks support for Adobe & Office products and certain software. (-) UI is not smooth and responsive compared to macOS & Linux

Within the domain of development, Unix-based systems such as Linux and macOS frequently garner attention. Nevertheless, the integration of WSL allows smooth coding alongside the utilization of Adobe and Microsoft products that may lack support on Linux. This flexibility, coupled with the ability to handle resource-intensive games beyond macOS capabilities, positions Windows-WSL as an enticing platform, ensuring a well-rounded computing experience for all users, regardless of their workplace constraints.

Based on your needs, you can choose your OS.


  • Git clone the repository

  • Install and run pre-commit to check the code before pushing it with :

    • pip install pre-commit
    • pre-commit install
    • pre-commit run --all-files
  • Generated docs:

    • If you modify the file, remember to modify it in the docs folder as well and adapt the paths.
    • A folder named docs contains the docs for generating the website with Jetbrains Writerside plugin.
    • Writerside supports only one file named, that's why you will find other readme files
      like unix_workflow/ instead of being named unix_workflow/
  • Modifying dotfiles like .zshrc:

  • use stow to create symlinks to the dotfiles in your home directory as follows:

  • cd docs/unix_workflow/ then stow -t $HOME -R dotfiles

    • This will create symlinks to the dotfiles in your home directory: cd ~ && cat .zshrc
  • WARNING: Windows users can't open the dotfiles in their home directory with their text editor, you can only do it with the terminal or open them in the repo folder.

Star History Chart

Extracted from project README
Linux Star History Chart
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