
Highly customizable org chart. Integrations available for Angular, React, Vue

MIT License


Highly customizable d3 based organization chart

Medium article about this project

Highly customizable org chart built with d3 v7.


Community Samples

How to use

Just copy this code and paste at -

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/build/d3-flextree.js"></script>
<div class="chart-container"></div>

 var chart;
  .then((data) => {
   chart = new d3.OrgChart().container(".chart-container").data(data).render();


npm i d3-org-chart
import { OrgChart } from 'd3-org-chart';

 new OrgChart()
     .data(<Data>) //

In general, we encourage to look into the source code to understand how it works. The chart code is basically a single class. At the top of the class, we have a state object called attrs which stores the state of the org chart and each single property is overridable by the user.

For example, one of the property name inside attrs object is duration, which controls animation duration for chart, when expanding or collapsing nodes.

If we want to get the value, we can either do


or directly


chart in the above case is an instance of OrgChart class. We can get it using new OrgChart()

If we want to set property, we can pass argument to the same function and it will automatically set the value

chart.duration(3000)  // This will become very slow moving chart

You can see list of all properties , their description of what each property does in the actual source code.

Be aware that they are chainable, so if we wanted to set multiple properties, we would do this

const chart = new OrgChart()

// We can keep chaining values in runtime

Have you impressively customized an organizational chart and want to be featured on this page? Just email me at [email protected] and include screenshot of your org chart and it will be featured on this page (dimensions of image should be 500 X 500).

Jump To Examples

Default Sky
Circles Oval
Clean (Design by Anton) Futuristic - Full Functionality
Prev version design

Featured customizations:

Check out several libraries and frameworks integrations

Custom components & algorithms I used

Quick Docs

Check the sample data here -

For the full functionality of exposed methods check Futuristic Example and button bound functions

For the high level overview of margins and content setting check the image bellow

Notes & appreciations

I created this org-chart when I was hired by TeamApps.

Although this Org chart was specifically created for teamapps java web application framework , it's very flexible and can be used in any environment, where d3 and DOM is accessible.

Big thanks to Matthias and Yann, who assembled requirements for org-chart and had valuable pieces of advice afterwads.

Also, thanks all people who made generous donations, it gives me motivation to further improve this org chart component.

Thanks contractzen for the significant contribution, which made implementation of some of the most important features (optimal layout, exporting ) possible.


David B (twitter) David B (linkedin)

I am available for freelance data visualization work. Please contact me in case you'd like me to help you with my experience and expertise

You can also book data viz related consultation session with me.

You might not need a consultation, but you want to appreciate the time and effort I am putting into this library, and if you correspond with an organization, you might also want to enjoy private QA about org chart over emails. In that case, you can support the org chart via