
Simple example of multiplayer game using Bonfire + Dart Frog + Polo


Bonfire Multiplayer

Simple example of multiplayer game using Bonfire + Dart Frog + Polo

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Running the server

You need to make sure you have frog_cli installed:

#  Install the dart_frog cli from
dart pub global activate dart_frog_cli

Now, to run just open the server folder and execute dart_frog dev in the terminal.

Running the client

Just open the game_client and execute flutter run in the terminal.

GameCliente packages:

Package Version
bonfire ^3.1.1
bonfire_bloc ^0.0.2
polo_client ^0.0.3
flutter_bloc ^8.1.3
provider ^6.1.1

Server packages:

Package Version
dart_frog ^1.0.0
polo_server ^0.0.3
logger ^2.0.2+1



  • SocketConnection
  • Player
  • RemotePlayer
  • Map load from server
  • Map navigation
  • Enemy NPC
  • Neutral NPC
  • Player Meele Attack
  • Enemy Meele Attack
  • Range Attack
  • Drop item
  • Inventory system
  • Equipments system
  • Quests system
  • Chat system
  • Paty system
  • Friends system


  • SocketConnection
  • Game loop
  • Map loader
  • Map navigation
  • NPC Movements
  • NPC Vision
  • Meele Attack
  • Range Attack
  • Drop item
  • Inventory system
  • Equipments system
  • Quests system
  • Chat system
  • Paty system
  • Friends system