
Github app using clean architecture and different state management approaches

APACHE-2.0 License


Clean Dart Github

This project is a proof of concept to test the Flutterando Clean architecture proposal (Clean-Dart) with different state managers handling data provided by the API of the Github using Flutter 3.

Overrall, the architecture of the software must follow clear contexts of maintainability and scalability, that being said, it is extremely important to evaluate the architectural structure of the product even before the development, to result in a more versatile application whereupon it improves the ability of the developers to improve or fixing features in a short time.

📁 Layers and Structs

Following the Clean Dart principles, we must separate our project into 4 layers:

  1. Presenter
  2. Domain
  3. Infrastructure
  4. External

Highlighting that the Presenter layer is responsible for allocating pages, widgets and state management , it becomes understandable to group Domain, Infra, External layers and their respective unit tests in a single project being exported as a dependency, so we can have multiple separate repositories with different state management approaches using the same business logic and components.

Still with a top-down view, it's possible to notice that as the components and assets (fonts, images) of each project will be the same, so we can allocate the widgets in github_commons as well.

🚀 Github data

The project works with the Github API through the requests:

  1. GET =>{username}
  2. GET =>{username}/repos

These 2 requests will be called in Datasources (External Layer) receiving data in Json format, being processed in the Repository (Infra Layer) now with Model format and converted to Entity format.

As we already have the data available in entities, to allocate them to be worked in Usecases (Domain Layer), therefore, 3 usecases were created:

  1. GetProfile - get data from the first request flow
  2. GetRepositories - get data from the second request flow
  3. GetLaguages - creates statistics with the programming languages used in repositories, by parameter it receives the repositories list fetched in usecase GetRepositories

These usecases are called in all projects in which they have their data handled differently and uniquely by each state manager

📈 Analysis

Project Layers State Management Packages
github_mobx Presenter Mobx - Library for reactively managing the state of your applications. Use the power of observables, actions, and reactions to supercharge your Dart and Flutter apps. mobx , flutter_mobx
github_getx Presenter Getx - Open screens/snackbars/dialogs without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily get
github_bloc Presenter Bloc - A predictable state management library that helps implement the Business Logic Component design pattern. bloc, flutter_bloc
github_triple Presenter Triple - an abstraction of the Segmented State Pattern that forces architectural barriers to individual reactivities. triple
github_provider Presenter Provider - A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable. provider
github_inherited Presenter InheritedWidget - Base class for widgets that efficiently propagate information down the tree. InheritedWidget class
github_commons Domain, Infra, External None dio, flutter_svg, equatable, url_launcher, json_annotation, flutter_modular

📕 Installation

To run this project on your own, do the following:

  • Clone this project.
  • Open project github_commons and run flutter pub get to install general dependencies.
  • Open the project that uses your preferred state manager and run flutter pub get to install specific dependencies.
  • Run the project using flutter run or debugging using your IDE's tools.

📁 Screen Flow