
Flutter application Coffee Time (Master Thesis)

MIT License


Coffee Time ☕

Coffee Time is Flutter application as part of my master thesis in Czech Technical University in Prague.

It allows users to easily search nearby cafes, display reviews and add custom tags which helps filtering cafes.

Available from Google Play Store. Give it a try ⭐

💻 Used technologies

  • Flutter, of course.
  • Firebase and Cloud Functions as back-end
  • Express.js for REST API

📦 How to build and run

What you will need:

  • Flutter SDK
  • Firebase CLI
  • Firebase account and created empty firebase project
  • Google API Key

For details look at firebase and mobile directories.

⭐ Can I contribute?

Yes. Just fork it and open pull request. Easy as that 👍.

⁉️ Found issue?

Go ahead and open one. Thank you.

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