


A Currency Conversion App that converts any currency to USD.

APIs Used

You can get your own APP_ID from

Packages Used

Package Name Usage
flutter_bloc It is used for state management of the entire application.
equatable It is used along with bloc for checking the equal instances of objects for event and state classes.
flutter_dotenv It is used to securely store the APP_ID for the API without pushing it to GitHub.
flutter_launcher_icons It is used to generate the app icons for ios and android.
google_fonts It is used for the custom font of the app.
rect_getter It is used for to get the Rect of the widget for Ripple effect.
http It is used for API calls.
json_serializable (dev_dependencies) It is used to serialise model from json and jso from model.
build_runner (dev_dependencies) It is used for automatically generating files with json_serializable.
json_annotation It is used along with json_serializable.
shared_preferences It is used for local storage.


As the project uses flutter_dotenv, there are few steps to follow:

  • Clone the repository.
  • Create your account on and get your APP_ID.
  • Create a new file called .env in the root of your project and create a variable in it called APP_ID and paste your app id in as a string. For example, APP_ID = '1234567890'
  • Now you are good to go


  • Store your favourite currencies in local storage.
  • Search for a particular currency.
  • Convert any currency to USD.
  • Delete any currency from your favourite.

Main Attractions

  • Minimal UI.
  • Smooth Animations.
  • Rates gets updated every hour.
  • Keep track of your favourite currencies.
