

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


This repository contains a JSON parser developed as a demo / experiment for the talk I have given at Flutter'n'Friends "Learning something about Dart performance by optimizing jsonDecode".


This is not a production quality code, it will never be published on pub and any use of it in your projects is at your own risk.

The main purpose for publishing this code is to illustrate some ideas and Dart features which I consider important for the Dart community to be aware about. These are listed in this README.md.

If you want to dive into the code I suggest starting by looking at the test tests/dart_simdjson_test.dart and associated generated code in tests/schemas/. Alternatively you can look at bin/benchmark.dart.

Documentation on Json extension type in lib/decoder.dart describes how to define your own schemas.

Running the code

  • Regenerating code for classes annotated with @FromJsonBytes:

    $ dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run build_runner build
  • Regenerating FFI bindings (if you edit src/capi.h):

    $ dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run ffigen --config ffigen.yaml
  • Running tests:

    $ dart --enable-experiment=native-assets test
  • Running benchmark.dart:

    $ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simdjson/simdjson-data/master/jsonexamples/twitter_timeline.json
    $ dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run bin/benchmark.dart
    running simdjson based parser
    1.4811918509707052 ns/byte
    running fused Utf8+Json decoder
    5.10118787410763 ns/byte
    $ dart --enable-experiment=native-assets build bin/benchmark.dart
    $ bin/benchmark/benchmark.exe
    running simdjson based parser
    0.7803441346580962 ns/byte
    running fused Utf8+Json decoder
    4.739755141242795 ns/byte


AOT build of the benchmark demonstrates ability for tree-shaker to influence the parser: it does not parse fields which are not accessed. That is why benchmark gets so much faster: it simply skips over most of the JSON.

Features to highlight

Native Assets

This package uses native assets feature to include native dependencies like simdjson and ankerl::unordered_dense. Native assets provide a way to create Dart packages which depend on native code and have Dart toolchain take care of building these dependencies and packaging resulting binaries as described in hook/build.dart script.

If you clone this package you can simply run:

$ dart --enable-experiment=native-assets test

and that will take care of automatically building shared library from C++ code which Dart code depends on.

Native assets are not limited to a specific programming language: fundamentally it is a protocol which allows a package to hook into the process of building and packaging Dart code and provide additional artifacts.

You can follow the development of this feature on dart-lang/sdk#50565.

Extension types for Data Model

Extension types is a feature introduced in Dart 3.3. This feature allows you to define a compile time abstraction over an underlying representation type. You can think about extension types as a more powerful and more strict version of type aliases (typedef). Extension types unlike type aliases are not erased immediately on the early stages of compilation and can hide underlying representation. However just like type aliases they don't exist in runtime: they are erased and are replaced with underlying representation type.

typedef TypeAlias = int;

extension type ExtType(int value) {

// This compiles because type aliases are erased very early.
TypeAlias sum1(TypeAlias a, TypeAlias b) =>
  a + b;

// This does not compile because extension types are not
// erased as early and thus can hide the underlying representation.
ExtType sum2(ExtType a, ExtType b) =>
  a + b;
//  ^
//  The operator '+' isn't defined for the type ExtType

void main() {
  // Both of these will print true.
  print(<TypeAlias>[] is List<int>);
  print(<ExtType>[] is List<int>);

  final list = <ExtType>[];
  list.add(1);  // compilation error
  //       ^
  // The argument of type 'int' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ExtType'

  // However there is no runtime error here:
  (list as List<int>).add(1);
  // Because in runtime `ExtType` is simply `int`.

Extension types play large role in static JS interop where they are used to define facades on top of an underlying opaque JSObject type.

This package utilizes them in a similar fashion: JSON deserializer produces opaque NativeJsonObjects which are then viewed[^1] through extension types which define accessors.

Designing deserialization library around extension types is an experiment which tries to address poor treeshakability of the fully reified model: where a Dart class is created for every type in the schema. Extension types don't contribute to the binary size in the same way as fully reified classes do. All their methods are statically dispatched and the extension type definition is erased.

[^1]: One of the names considered for extension types feature was in fact views.

Native inflates - Dart consumes

Here is the core idea behind the implementation of this package:

  • Dart builds a descriptor (see LayoutDescriptor in lib/src/impl.dart and
    ObjectLayoutDescriptor in src/capi.cc) which describes which names of JSON
    fields it is interested in, what types do they have and an offset at which
    to store them (relative to the start of the memory allocated for the result).
  • Native code takes JSON bytes and uses simdjson library to parse it and
    extracts the fields requested by the layout descriptor.
  • Dart can now access extracted data by accessing it at offsets it specified
    in the descriptor.

This design mimics the design of upb protobuf runtime.

For example parsing {"a": 10, "b": 1.25, "c": {"d": true}} using a descriptor which specifies:

  "a": @0 int,     // "a" is an integer field, store at offset 0
  "b": @8 double,  // "b" is a double field, store at offset 8
  "c": @16 {       // "c" is a nested object, store at offset 16
    "d": @0 bool   // "d" is a boolean field store at offset 0

will result in the following structure in memory:

            Dart Heap | Native Heap
JsonNativeObject      |
+--------------+  /----------->+------+
|     _data *----/    |        |    10|
|              |      |        |  1.25|
+--------------+      |        |     *---\
                      |        +------+  |
                      |        +------+<-/
                      |        |  true|
                      |        +------+

Now if Dart wants to access a it needs to load an integer at offset 0 from _data and for b it needs to load double at offset 8:

extension on JsonNativeObject {
  int get a =>
    Pointer<Int64>.fromAddress(_data.address + 0).value;
  double get b =>
    Pointer<Double>.fromAddress(_data.address + 8).value;

Tree-shaking of unused descriptors

Often large objects are only consumed partially by the program, e.g. just a few fields are accessed from many deserialized. If full validation of the input is not important (e.g. it is enough to validate just the fields accessed) then some sort of lazy parsing could be employed to reduce parsing costs. This however introduces a problem that accessors start throwing validation errors (because they perform parsing).

The code of this package offers a different approach based on @pragma('weak-tearoff-reference'). It is inspired by the concept of weak symbols in ELF and allows the program to peak into the results of the tree-shaking:

T Function()? _weakRef<T>(T Function()? x) => x;

int something() {
  return 10;

if (_weakRef(something) != null) {
  print('is present: something is used somewhere in the program');
} else {
  print('was tree-shaken: something is not used anywhere in the program');

The idea here is that each field accessor generated from JSON schemas references a separate static function _offsetOf$<fieldName>() to get offset of the corresponding field. This creates a link between accessor and the static function: if accessor is accessed in the program then static function is not tree-shaken, and the other way around. We can use this information to prune unused field descriptors from the layout:

/// Offset to the field `created_at` within `NativeJsonObject`.
static int _offsetOf$created_at() => 16;

/// Accessor for `created_at` field.
String get created_at => this._.loadString(_offsetOf$created_at());

static final _descriptor = LayoutDescriptor<Tweet>.unlinked([
  if (_weakRef(_offsetOf$created_at) != null)
    name: 'created_at',
    type: FieldType.kString,
    offset: 16,
    presenceBit: null,
    nestedIndex: null

This way _descriptor will only include an entry for created_at if created_at getter is not tree-shaken.