
Ella is a Flutter project bootstrapper that generates an opinionated starter Flutter project for Android, iOS and Web in 30 seconds.

MIT License



Ella is a Flutter project bootstrapper that generates an opinionated starter Flutter project for Android, iOS and Web in 30 seconds.


Ella creates a starter Flutter project with all of these out of the box:

  • Localization
  • Logging
  • HTTP client with interceptors (Dio)
  • Local storage
  • Navigation
  • Dialogs with flutter_dialog_manager
  • Service Location with get_it
  • Feature based architecture
  • Testing with mockito
  • Flavor setup (additional setup is required in the platform targets)
  • Optional FVM configuration
  • Vscode launch configuration with support for different flavor entry points


Ella can also generate a starter Flutter web project with all of the features above and some more including:

  • Responsive builder
  • A footer (to cement my presence on my web apps 😉)

Ella also updates the title and description both in the manifest.json file as well as the index.html file of the web project. In the future, Ella should be able to take an image and create different sizes for the favicon.

How To Use

Clone the project

git clone [email protected]:Crazelu/ella.git

Fire Ella up!

dart run bin/ella.dart -o path/to/output/directory -n projectName --platforms android,ios,web

Future Goals

In the future, one should be able to pass their own templates to Ella to automate repeated starter setup tasks.

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