
ffcache(Flutter File Cache) is a file based key value store for caching.

MIT License



ffcache(Flutter File Cache) is a file based key value store. It stores cache in iOS/Android app's temporary folder. Cache automatically expires after expiration time. Web platform is also supported (uses idb_shim package).


Most methods are asynchronous. So you should use await from an async function.

void testFFCache() async {

  final cache = FFCache();

  // initialize. most methods call init() internally if not initialized.
  // For web platform calling init() is required.
  await cache.init();

  // insert 'key':'value' pair
  await cache.setString('key', 'value');

  // get value for 'key'
  final value = await cache.getString('key');

  // check if 'key' exists
  if (await cache.has('key')) {

    // remove cache for 'key'
    await cache.remove('key');

  // cache expires after Duration.
  await cache.setStringWithTimeout('key', 'value', Duration(hours: 3));

  // remove all cache
  await cache.clear();

  // setBytes & getBytes
    final str = 'string data';
    List<int> bytes = utf8.encode(str);

    await cache.setBytes('bytes', bytes);
    final rBytes = await cache.getBytes('bytes');

  // setJSON & getJSON
    final jsonData = json.decode('''[{"id":1,"data":"string data","nested":{"id":"hello","flutter":"rocks"}}]''');
    await cache.setJSON('json', jsonData);

    final rJsonData = await cache.getJSON('json');


Available from https://pub.dev/documentation/ffcache/latest/ffcache/FFCache-class.html

How it works

Cache files are stored in the temporary directory of the app. It uses path_provider's getTemporaryDirectory(). Files in temporary directory can be deleted by the OS at any time. So, FFCache is not for general purpose key value store.

Old cache entries are deleted when FFCache is initialized. By default, cache expires after 1 day.