
Simple solution to handle environment variables using `.json` or config in entrypoint file.

MIT License


Flutter App Environment

Simple solution to handle environment variables using .json or config in entrypoint file.



$ flutter pub add --dev flutter_app_environment

Requirements for handle environment variables from .json config

  • Call before initialize the environment

  • Add res/config/ to pubspec.yaml assets. This folder contains json files with environment variables

            - res/config/
  • For EnvironmentType.development use name development.json for configuration file

  • For EnvironmentType.test use name test.json for configuration file

  • For EnvironmentType.production use name production.json for configuration file

Usage for handle environment variables from .json config

Easy three steps

  1. Create config

    @JsonSerializable(createToJson: false)
    class EnvironmentConfig {
        const EnvironmentConfig({
            required this.title,
            required this.initialCounter,
        factory EnvironmentConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
        final String title;
        final int initialCounter;
  2. Initialize

    await Environment.initFromJson<EnvironmentConfig>(
        environmentType: EnvironmentType.development,
        fromJson: EnvironmentConfig.fromJson,
  3. Use it

    home: HomePage(
        title: Environment<EnvironmentConfig>.instance().config.title,

Usage for handle environment variables from entrypoint file

Easy three steps

  1. Create config

    @JsonSerializable(createToJson: false)
    class EnvironmentConfig {
        const EnvironmentConfig({
            required this.title,
            required this.initialCounter,
        factory EnvironmentConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
        final String title;
        final int initialCounter;
  2. Initialize

        environmentType: EnvironmentType.test,
        config: const EnvironmentConfig(
        title: 'Test evironment title',
        initialCounter: 0,
  3. Use it

    home: HomePage(
        title: Environment<EnvironmentConfig>.instance().config.title,

Usage for handle environment with custom environment type

  1. Create environment type

        enum CustomEnvironmentType { dev, stage, prod }
  2. Use method initFromJsonWithCustomType for json config

        await Environment.initFromJsonWithCustomType<EnvironmentConfig,
            environmentType: CustomEnvironmentType.stage,
            fromJson: EnvironmentConfig.fromJson,
  3. Or use method initWithCustomType for entrypoint config

        Environment.initWithCustomType<EnvironmentConfig, CustomEnvironmentType>(
            environmentType: CustomEnvironmentType.dev,
            config: const EnvironmentConfig(
                title: 'Test evironment title',
                initialCounter: 0,


Please feel free to fork, improve, make pull requests or fill issues. I'll be glad to fix bugs you encountered or improve the extension.