
Flutter create submission

MIT License


Power Mode for Flutter Create 2019

This project is inspired by Joel Besada's famous Power Mode plugin, and heavily dependent on Norbert Kozsir's particles from pimp_my_button plugin.

One of the best things about Flutter is that we have access to both low and high level widgets. The TextField widget didn't give me the option to find the cursor position, but after looking at the source code, I could see that it uses the EditableText as base, and that one had all the low level access that I needed.

With the cursor position sorted out, the rest of the work was to configure the particles and animations for every character typed.


  • Channel: stable (v1.2.1 as per April 6th, 2019)
  • Platform: iOS and Android
    • NOTE: Because of the HapticFeedback, it's recommended to use iOS 10+ and Android API Level 23+, for best experience.


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