
Fixed-point 2D geometry.

MIT License



Fast and pixel accurate fixed-point 2D geometry with minimal approximations.

Optimal for the following use cases:

  • 2D game development that uses tile-based or grid-based rendering.
  • Graphic rendering of pixel art or other fixed-point rasterized graphics.
  • Fixed-point geometry for performance or consistency reasons.


Use lodim to quickly work with 2D geometry in a fixed-point space:

  • Fixed-point: All values and results are always integers.
  • Fast: AOT and JIT benchmarked on the Dart VM.
  • Pixel accurate: Minimal[^1] ambiguity or hidden rounding errors.
  • Ergonomics: Familiar API to dart:ui (and similar) for ease of use.
  • Cross-platform: Works on all Dart platforms, including Flutter and web.

[^1]: lodim does provide some algorithms that make approximations, such as <Pos>.lineTo, which uses Bresenham's line algorithm. However, all of these algorithms are cleanly defined and documented, and allow user-defined overrides.

Design Principles

lodim is designed to be a low-level, fixed-point geometry library that is not opionated about how you use it. It is not a game engine, nor does it provide high-level abstractions for rendering or collections.

For example, top-level functions such as getRect or fillRect operate on either Rect or Pos types and either callback methods or a generic linear buffer. For a higher-level APIs, consider using lodim in conjunction with another library, such as package:sector.


Just add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml or run the following command:

dart pub add lodim

If you've used another 2D geometry library, such as dart:ui from Flutter, you will find lodim to be very similar. Work with similar types such as Pos (i.e. Offset) and Rect:

// Creates a (x, y) position.
final pos = Pos(10, 20);

// Creates a rectangle.
final rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 100, 100);

Take advantage of tested and benchmarked common operations:

// Rotate a position by 135 degrees counter-clockwise.
final rotated = pos.rotate45(-3);

// Get the intersection of two rectangles.
final intersection = rect.intersect(a, b);

Use built-in algorithms for common tasks, or define your own:

// Determine the distance between two positions.
final distance = pos1.distanceTo(pos2);

// Use another algorithm to determine the distance or define your own.
final manhattan = pos1.distanceTo(pos2, using: manhattan);

// Draw a line from one position to another.
final line = pos1.lineTo(pos2);

// Use your own algorithm to draw a line.
final custom = pos1.lineTo(pos2, using: someOtherAlgorithm);


To run the benchmarks, run:

dart run benchmark/benchmark.dart

# Or, to use AOT:
dart compile exe benchmark/benchmark.dart

# Or, to profile using devtools:
dart run --pause-isolates-on-start --observe benchmark/benchmark.dart

In local benchmarks on a M2 Macbook Pro, compared to [baseline][^2] code.

[^2]: What users might write themselves, using (int, int) tuples or similar.


Benchmark lodim Baseline Delta
10k allocations positions 479.8 us 362.9 us -25%
10k euclidian distance 138.3 us 153.5 us +11%
10k rotations in 45° steps 6875.8 us 13658.7 us +98%
10k lines drawn 1340049.5 - -


Benchmark lodim Baseline Delta
10k allocations positions 342.7 us 463.9 us +35%
10k euclidian distance 139.7 us 132.7 us -5%
10k rotations in 45° steps 5858.2 us 11708.0 us +100%
10k lines drawn 1333651.0 us - -

tl;dr: lodim is faster than baseline code, using both JIT and AOT. Specializing based on fixed-point geometry allows for optimizations that are not possible with general-purpose code, such as jump-table based rotations.


To run the tests, run:

dart test

To check code coverage locally, run:

dart tool/coverage.dart

To preview dartdoc output locally, run:

dart tool/dartdoc.dart
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