
FP inspired packages for Dart

OTHER License



🧪 Experimental FP packages for Dart 🧪


Unpublished Libraries


While the existing library is somewhat useful for tinkering around there are at least 2 major roadblocks that should be addressed before rill is reliably useful in the wild:

  • [Lower Type Bounds][https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/1674]
  • [Variance][https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/213]

Both of these features exist in Scala, which in part, is what makes fs2 work so well. Lack of these features severly limits the general usefulness.


Building a production ready http library is a massive undertaking, and one that isn't within the scope of my efforts today, or maybe ever. ribs_http is a proof of concept that works for small limited use-cases. I use if for small toy project because it fits in well with the rest of the ribs ecosystem. If you want to do anything mildly out of the ordinary, chances are you'll have to build something yourself. ribs_http should also be dependent on rill, so until a good streaming library exists, the utility is limited here.


This is still a fairly immature library but has proven useful in my toy projects so could be published at some point.


There are more battle tested libraries available that have overlapping features, as well as additional features not found here, so you should certainly consider using them. They all bring some things to the table that you won't find here.


Much of the design and functionality in this repository is closely derived from the following libraries.