
just a fun weekend project for todos



A simple command line todo build with Dart.



$ dart bin/todo.dart -h
your cli todo manager

Usage: todo <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  add        add a todo
  complete   mark a todo as complete
  generate   Start a new todo list.
  remove     remove a todo from your list
  show       list all your todos

Usage: todo <command> [arguments]

# initialize the list
$ dart bin/todo.dart generate
Created .todo-elijah.

# show items, but it is empty right now
$ dart bin/todo.dart show
No todos to show.

# add todo item
$ dart bin/todo.dart add
todo: My first todo

# list all items
$ dart bin/todo.dart show
- (0) [ ] My first todo

# mark a item as done
$ dart bin/todo.dart complete
- (0) [ ] My first todo
index: 0
- (0) [X] My first todo

# if you have no todos left to complete
$ dart bin/todo.dart complete
- (0) [X] My first todo!
No todos left!